• New England Journal of Medicine Hates Hydroxychloroquine

    May 8, 2020
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    Researchers at Columbia University in New York ran an observational study on almost 1400 Chinavirus patients to see if Hydroxychloroquine could lower the risk of dying or needing a breathing tube. They reported Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine that the highly touted malaria drug shows no benefit to the subjects in their informal project. What a surprise!

    Looks like it doesn’t work

    To be clear, this was not a rigorous study but the observation of approximately 800 people suffering the contagion who received the drug, some of whom also took the antibiotic azithromycin, to see how it effected recovery. Another 500+ suffering souls got no medication and the doctors saw the 232 people died. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health,, which has two additional clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine at other locations,

    “It is disappointing that several months into the pandemic, we do not yet have results” from any strict tests of the drug, the researchers wrote. Still, the new study “suggests that this treatment is not a panacea.”

    Of course, anyone with access to an internet search engine will quickly learn that administering hydroxychloroquine without Zinc Sulfate will have no positive effect and, in fact, no doctor or pundit or president has ever claimed that the the drug hydroxychloroquine alone will help anyone recover from Chinavirus.

    The good news is that a clinical study of Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc With Either Azithromycin or Doxycycline for Treatment of COVID-19 in Outpatient Setting it taking place at St. Francis Hospital, New York. This honest study started May 1 and it is expected to be completed by the end of the year so next January believable results might be available for the citizens of the world.

    Hydroxychloroquine Is a drug that has been used to treat various ailment for the past 80 years. It is tried and tested by millions as an effective medication for those suffering from malaria. It is “old” and can be mass produced for a comparatively low price when compared to a vaccine or wonder drug newly created in the lab. This low cost and widely available solution to the Chinavirus plague is anathema to big pharma and the scientists that support the drug industry.


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