• Crime In NYC Increases After Budget Cuts To NYPD

    July 3, 2020
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    Crime In NYC Increases After Budget Cuts To NYPD
    Image by Dietmar Rabich

    Just a day after Mayor de Blasio announced a $1 billion dollar budget cut to the NYPD, crime in the city is increasing.  A knife fight broke out in St. Mary’s Park Friday morning after a 24-year-old illegally set of fireworks.  These fireworks caused the group of people the fireworks nearly hit to confront the 24-year-old, and a knife fight ensued.  Three older men, a 19-year-old, and the man who set off the fireworks all had non-life threatening knife wounds.

    Illegal fireworks have been shooting throughout the city for the past few weeks, sparking New Yorkers to stage a protest Tuesday outside Mayor de Blasio’s home.  City Councilman Chaim Deuth said the message to the mayor is clear, writing on Twitter: “If we can’t sleep, you won’t sleep.  We need to send a message that we need to end these chaotic fireworks that have been happening across the city.”  Protestors drove in their cars and persistently honked outside the Gracie Mansion, others on the sidewalk making their presence known.

    Ironically, Mayor de Blasio said he would form a law enforcement task force to handle the persistent illegal use of fireworks.  Mayor de Blasio said in a statement that “Well be cracking down on the out of state suppliers behind this dangerous public nuisance so we can cut it off at the source.” 

    NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said in a statement, “For any number of reasons the use of illegal firework has skyrocketed this year and that has damaged the quality of life in our neighborhoods. The NYPD will continue to work closely with our city partners to address this dangerous issue.”

    Fireworks have been shot at people throughout the city, as well as used to create a distraction for burglaries.

    Why this matters: After weeks of protests, cities across the nation are torn between two factions: de-fund the police or create law and order.  President Trump has made his position clear that he is the “law and order” president.  As the upcoming elections come closer, if people’s feeling of safety continues, this issue could greatly impact voters’ choices at the ballot.


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    "The 84% rise in violent crimes in 2020 in the Cedar-Riverside area comes as a concern to many, considering that city leaders have started to invest in security upgrades and community-outreach programs.

    In May2019, for instance, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey announced that a high-rise apartment complex at the center of little Mogadishu would be receiving an $825,000 security upgrade, including fencing, key fobs, and numerous security cameras.

    In December 2018, the Minneapolis City Council voted to divert $43,000 from the Minneapolis Police Department to create a youth outreach team for the area, Minnesota Daily reports."

    Good thing the fools running Minneapolis realize police are the problem!



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