• 274,000 Ballots Verified In Less Than 3 Seconds - Judge Throws Out Kari Lake's Lawsuit Anyway, Affirms Election

    May 23, 2023

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    On Monday night, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed Kari Lake's lawsuit regarding the stolen 2022 Arizona midterm election for governor after a 3-day trial during which evidence was presented exposing clear fraudulent signature verification of mail-in ballots.

    Lake's attorney Kurt Olsen told the Court during the trial, "11 of the signature verification workers approved 170k signatures t a rate of less than 0 and 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating."

    During closing arguments, Olsen noted that "there were approximately 274,000 ballot signatures compared and verified in less than three seconds."

    During the trial, Olsen also determined that at least 70,000 mail-in ballots were not verified in compliance with Arizona law and as such, the election should be set aside.

    According to testimony by Maricopa County signature reviewer Jacqueline Onigkeit, a large number of signatures on ballot affidavits had different names than that of the voter. Onigkeit also testified that several of the other level-one signature reviewers "didn't feel comfortable with what they were seeing."

    The witness added that "ballots were sent back to level one reviewers by direct supervisors and full-time County employees" because they were too "overwhelmed" by the number of rejected ballots.

    Olsen also presented evidence of at least one Maricopa County signature reviewer just clicking through signature checks in less than 2 seconds each.

    According to The Gateway Pundit, another video showed Maricopa County employees completely failing to verify signatures and approving what is estimated to be more than 5,600 signatures in roughly 2 hours.

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    Maricopa County Election Director Rey Valenzuela took the stand to say that the employee was "removed from the process," although evidence shows that the individual was not actually removed.

    Onigkeit also testified that signature reviewers "were told to scroll down and make sure that we verify the present green affidavit with the past history affidavits."

    It is impossible to genuinely compare two signatures in such a short amount of time.

    Regardless of the mountain of evidence to the contrary, Judge Thompson and Maricopa County attorneys disregarded the employees who fraudulently verified signatures. Rather, the Judge took the position that the testimony he heard from signature reviewers who did follow the law proved that the verification system worked saying, "Ms. Onigkeit's testimony makes abundantly clear that level one and level two signature review did take place in some fashion."

    The phrase "in some fashion" coming from a judge who is expected to follow the law precisely is more than alarming in itself. Regardless, Judge Thompson dismissed the case and affirmed the 2022 midterm election results. Kari Lake is expected to appeal the ruling again, taking her lawsuit all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

    Read the full Minute entry below.


    Jen Snow

    Jen Snow is a former paralegal turned freelance writer who has a passion for foreign affairs. When not writing, she can be found curled up with her dog and a good book or outside playing in the Florida sun.
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    I am reminded of the opening lines of our Declaration of Independence...


    Cheating...the only way Dems can win!

    Pa l

    So. "allies is ghut" when it comes to commuting election fraud...judge Thomson biovlates.

    Chris Moffatt

    OMG! You PROVE that these ballots effectively had NO SIGNATURE VERIFICATION and the judge ignores that? It is time for another REVOLUTION against the Democrat Party and the government here in America. We are fed up with the corruption in government and cheating by the Democrats!


    There's a very good chance that republicans won't win another major contest until they learn how to count votes like the democrats.


    I feel that the slow burn of the fuse to the powder keg is now but inches away. I Pray that I am wrong.


    Gives the word "Honorable" in front of the judges name a whole new meaning!


    t is called bought and paid for!

    F D

    Linguistically speaking, she’s getting “Judge Emmet Sullivaned”. Our justice system has been corrupted. What’s the next step?


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