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May their shame be eternal.

To the hack journalists of the left who sold the lie, to the paid-off scientists who ran misleading studies, to the larger medical community that didn't stand up for the genuine studies, to the fund-grubbing worms at the NIH, CDC, and WHO, specifically Tedros Ghebreyesus, PhD, and of course, to the biggest swindler of them all, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the ratface bastard who whored his considerable expertise to make money for his Big Pharma friends and grow his budget: may the world look upon you for what you are: scum.

Better late than never, eh, CNN?

The tawdry, malicious, partisan, anti-science subterfuge perpetrated by the left has run into a wall. A wall so thick that even purveyors of DNC narrative such as CNN have to admit it. Finally. Now that the race is 99% over and hundreds of thousands of dead bodies fill graves around the world:

Trump was right.

Hydroxychloroquine works. The much maligned, 70 year-old antimalarial drug is highly effective in combating COVID-19. Just as CDMedia and a host of other voices have repeatedly proclaimed as early as March.

From the CNN article:

A team at Henry Ford Health System in Southeast Michigan said Thursday its study of 2,541 hospitalized patients found that those given hydroxychloroquine were much less likely to die.

Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of infectious disease for Henry Ford Health System, said 26% of those not given hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 13% of those who got the drug. The team looked back at everyone treated in the hospital system since the first patient in March.

"Overall crude mortality rates were 18.1% in the entire cohort, 13.5% in the hydroxychloroquine alone group, 20.1% among those receiving hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin, 22.4% among the azithromycin alone group, and 26.4% for neither drug," the team wrote in a report published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.

As horrifying as it was in the early days of the virus to see the good results and studies ignored--such as those by New York's Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko and French virologist Didier Raoult, MD--it was even more maddening to watch the media swoon over every observational bit of data that confirmed their anti-Trump bias.

Laughable studies were cited by mass media, the charge led by media giant Bloomberg. Here's the first, out of China, no less. This was the centerpiece in Bloomberg's first anti-HCQ volley. No data, no dosage figures. Then came the infamous Veteran's Administration study, in which elderly, mostly black veterans with multiple co-morbidities were given doses of HCQ and azithromycin. From a previous CDMedia article debunking the fraudulent study:

Sinking a promising old drug to create profit on a new drug is so rote for the NIH that they were lazy. They exposed their playbook for the world to see: pay off scientists to run bogus studies, release the findings to the media, and *poof*, the support for the old drug disappears.

Further, those who choose to fight on are branded as charlatans and quacks. Just ask Dr. Judy Mikovits of "Plandemic" fame. Mikovits learned firsthand what it meant to go against Fauci and the NIAID when it came to treatments for HIV/AIDS. Further, in a sinister corollary to HCQ for coronavirus, Mikovits was thwarted from using an old drug, Suramin, to treat autism, despite excellent results.

CDMedia first made the case for firing Fauci in May. His glaring dishonesty and abysmal record in predicting any aspect of the outbreak would be darkly comical if not for the considerable evidence that his effort wasn't bungled, but thoroughly planned. The results have yielded great political damage for Trump, and great profits for Gilead.

The chickens have come home to roost, but the henhouse has long since burned down. No one cares about HCQ anymore, it's old news. Treating the virus is so passé now. Vaccines are where it's at.

Pass the baton to Bill Gates, Fauci. You've run your leg of this hideous relay.