Google Deplatforms CDMedia From Advertising Revenue In Deep State Monopolistic Move

Google enjoys a monopoly with regards to internet advertising. Their online platform for serving ads on websites -- Adsense -- controls the vast majority of ads served globally. This monopoly give Google great wealth and is the source of its economic power.

Google just used this power against CDMedia by de-platforming us from being able to serve ads via Adsense on our news websites.

This will seriously impact our revenue but it will force us to get creative is seeking out other free speech alternatives.

CDMedia has now been de-platformed off the offerings of 7 Silicon Valley Big-Tech companies.

In the mean time, we need patriots help to stay afloat until we can replace this revenue source. Please donate what you can!

CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!