Image by Donkey Hotey

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We stared in wonder at the numbers revealed during the Obama administration, as to the massive amount of ammunition being bought by seemingly innocuous Federal agencies, such as the U.S. Postal Service.

Now we know why.

Yes, this was all started under Barack Hussein Obama, or at least put on steroids.

Darren Beattie of gave an enlightening quote on War Room Pandemic this morning, to paraphrase -- "The American security apparatus, such as DOJ, FBI, CIA, no longer exists to protect Americans, but to protect the oligarch class, and their ill-gotten power and financial gains. This massive capability is being turned on 75 million Trump supporters."

Screenshot IBD

Everything we have been taught to believe, fought for, trusted in, and cherished, has been destroyed by a group of criminals thirsty for money and power over others. Our elites are enabled, and even controlled, by the Chinese Communist Party.

It's time we realize this horrible fact. Only by seeing the enemy with clear eyes can we prepare for the future that is coming, sooner than you think.

The republic is over in 12 days.

The new 'domestic terrorist' bill will be pushed through by the Biden controllers as soon as possible. We will be tracked and hunted down.

Trump will not save us. He is a great man and a great president but his era is over.

The era of reclaiming our freedom has just begun.

First we should kneel and pray.

My fellow Americans...the Republic is at risk CDMedia will do that heavy lifting as we have been...but we need ur help, whatever you can do...small is us fight the corrupt media...DONATE!