• Cabal Deathly Afraid Of Giuliani Running For Governor Of NY...Latisha James Wants The Job...Cuomo Won't Survive Murder Accusations

    February 20, 2021

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    You know you're in trouble as a liberal politician when the Liberal mob comes for you.

    The heat got too much for the corporate media to cover for Andrew Cuomo. So, they are coming for him. Better to take out an out of control problem than let it fester, goes the liberal thinking.

    The NY Guv is under pressure as the evidence mounts that he purposefully forced COVID-positive elderly patients to be placed back in nursing homes, spreading the disease among a vulnerable population and causing thousands upon thousands of needless deaths, and great misery among New York families. This was allegedly all done to cause fear and panic over the CCP virus and hurt President Trump's chances for re-election. If the charges are true, Governor Cuomo is a bigger mass murderer than the 9/11 terrorists.

    This happened while Cuomo was on CNN with his brother Chris Cuomo frequently, laughing about the whole situation. You know, the brother who road raged at a cyclist on Long Island while COVID positive, for suggesting he should stay quarantined.

    “Cuomo lied about our elders and they died, now he’s lying about our children getting back to school. We must hold him accountable, and under no circumstances show mercy when applying the full extent of the law.," declared George Santos, NY-3 Congressional candidate, whose lost in Nov 2020 under questionable circumstances.

    "Our group is dialing up energy and rallies to hold Cuomo accountable to take back New York. We want to make sure 2022 is the end of the Cuomo era in NY," declared Shawn Farash of Long Island Loud Majority.

    Yes, Cuomo, the progressive CCP virus hero is in trouble. He's not really in trouble from liberal prosecutors in the Southern District, who punted the case to the Eastern District in some kind of joke that this will deliver an independent investigation.

    Cuomo is in trouble because the always ambitious Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York state, wants his job.

    Attorney General Letitia James has finally, and reluctantly, confirmed the ugly truth that Gov. Cuomo’s people have long strived to conceal but most New Yorkers suspected: The number of nursing-home residents who’ve died from COVID-19 is much higher than Cuomo’s administration claims — likely more than 50 percent higher, wrote the New York Post.

    James’ damning 76-page report follows months of stonewalling by Team Cuomo. Lawmakers from both parties have demanded the true number of nursing-home-resident deaths; so has the Empire Center, via a Freedom of Information lawsuit. But Cuomo and Health Commissioner Howard Zucker refused to provide the info, with a series of absurd and contradictory excuses.

    We at CDMedia don't think James 'reluctantly' put forward the information. We believe she desperately wants the job and saw the opportunity to remove a formidable rival. Cuomo wanted to be the U.S. Attorney General, or Vice President for dementia Biden. And then well, the ambition stone rolls uphill from there.

    Now Letitia has White House stars in her eyes.

    Enter Rudy Stage Right

    The elephant in the room is the President's attorney, and former mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani. Chatter abounds that Rudy is serious about running for governor of New York. This scares the pants off the Deep State cabal. If there is one thing they do not want, it is the man who took down the five families running New York state and taking down the CCP cabal who stole the election last November.

    Karma is a bitch.

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    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    Miss Smith

    Chatter abounds that Rudy is serious about running for governor of New York.


    Which Giulliani?


    I love Rudy, but he is waaay past his prime...

    Wordly Wise

    Cabal, cabal, cabal, cabal....only word I know. Gee - you think those Q whack jobs will visit my site if I keep writing the word cabal? I sure hope so cuz I need the clicks. Don’t you see me begging for donations people? CABAL

    the Bruce

    The NY courts are all as corrupted as DC. Any old corrupted democrat/marxist in New York will walk away from any crime, including murder. Nothing will become of this. The citizens of New York are responsible for electing criminals into positions of authority. They will get what they deserve. No sympathy/empathy is deserved.


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