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In the last few days, the U.S. military has attacked an American civilian and journalist for that matter, and even threatened violence against him. This behavior is abhorrent to the founding of the nation and shows how thoroughly compromised the American armed forces (DOD) have become with Islamist, and Marxist sympathizers.
The result of this cultural Marxist transformation, which will ensure the United States loses the next war, can be seen here.
Subversion undermines or detaches the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the target state and transfers political and/or ideological loyalties to the counter-state. As the counter-state forms, a counter-elite of influential individual and key leaders within the target state will later facilitate the legitimacy and permanency of the new regime, writes Rich HIggins, former member of the National Security Council who was fired by globalist and former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster.
The process started under the Obama administration, and will continue under the illegitimate ObamaKamala administration.
Look at what happened in Turkey. The Islamists realized they could never take over the government as long as they didn’t control the military, intelligence, judiciary and police. They encouraged their people who didn’t traditionally participate in these institutions to join at the lowest ranks. Over the years they worked their way up the command structure so that when they overlayed them with senior political leadership, they were securely in control. The last vestiges of the secular republicans attempted to overthrow Erdogan but failed as a result of the plan they began putting in place 30 years previous.
This is what Obama did to us. He infiltrated our ranks. His people hired into the FBI, NSA, CIA and other 3 letter agencies leftists who in turn recruited new hires. So when someone say “but the field agents are good guys” needs to understand they are as compromised as the senior staff. The military has been undergoing the same transition.
The only difference between us and Turkey is they have had less time to work their way up from the bottom in the military. We must stop this now or it will become irreversible. Cadets and recruits from 2008 are now O-4s and E-5s. The senior leadership in control from that period are 3 and 4 stars. They upper echelon can be replaced in 2024. By 2024 though, those Obama era infiltrators will be our squadron commanders, brigade commanders and senior enlisted staff. This must be exposed and stopped now. We must rebuild from the bottom up. The academies are where this can be turned around, but there is a little time.
It is still possible to reverse this sedition and treason, but the American public, and especially former veterans, need to peacefully demand a return to the vision of the Founders, and force Congress, and the next Trump administration, the rightfully-elected president, to radically change the administrative state.
Stalin-like purge of military. Finally someone noticed!
Destabilization, Demoralization, Crisis, and Normalization... conversion to communism from capitalism is in its final throws... it will take a serious exposure and explanation by those in charge or civil war... if not we will all be assimilated into the communist system.