• Whistleblower Lays Out Fears Of Deep State Destruction Of America - Is Pipeline Shutdown Punishment For Opening Red States?

    May 11, 2021
    Whistleblower Lays Out Fears Of Deep State Destruction Of America - Is Pipeline Shutdown Punishment For Opening Red States?
    A partial shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline system, a major source of transportation fuels to the Southeast, has disrupted gasoline supplies, leading to higher prices and product shortages in parts of the region

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    The whistleblower who Lin Wood deposed and published the court filings, who accused Chief Justice Roberts, Vice President Mike Pence, and Rod Rosenstein of being criminals, has published information of what is possibly happening with the Colonial Pipeline cyber attack, afflicting mostly red states in the South. The 'whistleblower' warned of a pandemic two years ago, and now warns America must wake up and deal with what is actually happening.


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    Rafael Cruz, MD

    It’s coming down fast- he is right! Really, Trump should’ve enforced the EO. I am not sure why he would not.


    President Trump wanted the American people to realize that they are in charge. Look at what's happening in Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, Michigan. People are standing up and saying "this will not stand...".


    Is Pipeline Shutdown Punishment For Opening Red States ?

    DS wants LOCKDOWN and NO GAS !! Thus, pipeline shutdown ?

    Also, isn't there a vote (on May 15) for SCGOP chair ? Another STEAL ?


    Save America she's worth it
    Purge all dems and rinos in 2022


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