• Exactly How Corporate Media Launders Opinion To Attack Inconvenient People And Facts

    May 24, 2021
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    A New York Times business correspondent in Hong Kong, a weekend editor at The Guardian who lives in New York, a British Business Insider reporter with a focus on the Saudis, and the executive editor of The Daily Beast.

    A 48-year-old blogger who works for Rachel Maddow, a union activist who covers “extremism, far-right politics and media disinformation” for The Huffington Post, and the 29-year editor of the Arkansas Times.

    A breaking news reporter at The Washington Post who wrapped up her most recent internship in May 2016, a 2016 University of Pennsylvania graduate who covers “young people doing big things” for Forbes, a 45-year-old former George Will intern who writes for CNN, and David Frum...

    To read more visit The Federalist.

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    Tammy Killian

    Thank you for that! DEFINITELY affects your perspective. Also they are all MUCH CHEAPER TO PAY!!!


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