August 9, 2021
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    The End of the Privacy of Digital Correspondence

    Image by ManishRamWiki

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    The EU decided to let providers search all private chats, messages, and emails automatically for suspicious content – generally and indiscriminately. The stated aim: To prosecute child pornography. The result: Mass surveillance by means of fully automated real-time messaging and chat control and the end of secrecy of digital correspondence. A majority of the Members of the European Parliament adopted the chatcontrol regulation on 6 July 2021.

    Chatcontrol 2.0 will follow soon

    But this is not the end of the story: For autumn 2021, European Commission announced that it will propose a follow-up legislation that will make the use of chatcontrol mandatory for all e-mail and messenger providers. This legislation might then also affect securely end-to-end encrypted communications. However, a public consultation by the Commission on this project showed that the majority of respondents, both citizens and stakeholders, oppose an obligation to use chat control. Over 80% of respondents oppose its application to end-to-end encrypted communications. As a result, the Commission postponed the draft legislation originally announced for July to September 2021. ..

    To read more visit Patrick Breyer.

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    Without judge mandate. This universalizes the absence of privacy correspondence. Eliminates a human right from the list of human rights.

    We must get out these individuals. Because they act from their certain common conceptual framework, and that is why they will never stop producing so many disrespectfull rules.


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