• Systematic Malfeasance By Error Of Omission By The American Board Of Emergency Medicine (ABEM), Part 1:

    September 5, 2021
    Systematic Malfeasance By Error Of Omission By The American Board Of Emergency Medicine (ABEM), Part 1:
    Image by TajPharmaceuticalsLtd

    By Guest Writer, Matthew Newgent, President of Conservative Economy 

    In medicine, a physician can be sued for missing something, maybe a gallbladder stone, or for failing to conduct a step in a standard procedure, such as sterilizing all instruments before a major operation. This type of mistake is called an “error of omission.”

    This letter was sent to Emergency Room physicians across the United States LAST WEEK by the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM):

    The American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) supports public health measures that decrease the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the risk of severe illness such as the appropriate use of face masks and vaccination for eligible people

    Where is the mention of TREATMENT?!?!

    The MISSING portion is in ALL CAPS:

    The American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) supports public health measures that decrease the spread of COVID-19, MEASURES TO TREAT PATIENTS SYMPTOMATIC FOR OR WHO HAVE TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID, and reduce the risk of severe illness such as the appropriate use of face masks and vaccination for eligible people

    What do American families do for our loved ones when the national medical system leadership makes an “error of omission” in their procedure, one which is a de facto denial of treatment for those at risk of a proven fatal disease?
    I once asked a physician of 30+ years of practicing medicine, “What is the greatest life-saving medical innovation in emergency medicine?” In one word, he answered “Protocols”. He went on to explain that in emergency medicine, things happen so fast that there is often very little time to step back, consult with other providers or research the best course of action, so protocols allow a system the entire staff knows and can execute efficiently and quickly.
    So this error of omission by the ABEM is the equivalent of telling every single emergency medical provider, “If patient is symptomatic of or presents with Covid, put a mask on them.”

    So, what should you do? Share this article. Call or email the ABEM and demand they allow our providers to provide live-saving care for those with covid. Some of these include Hydroxychloriquine therapy (HCQ, zinc, and azithromycin), ivermectin, and Monoclonal therapy. There is PLENTY of data that show all these therapies are effective and safe. I’d the ABEM doesn’t change its policy, there should be a class-action lawsuit filed against the ABEM.

    Matthew Newgent is a graduate of the United States Military Academy and President of ConservativeEconomy.com 

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    I tested positive for covid at a Doctor's Care Clinic and asked the physician's assistant to prescribe HCQ and Zinc. I was told that they didn't do that. When I asked what their protocol was I was told go home and treat it like the flu!
    When I got home I called my GP and got a prescription for Z-Pak, Vitamen D, Zinc and Doxycycline . When I tried to pick up the scripts from my Kroger they told me they didn't get the script for the HCQ or the Doxycycline. I had the GP resend and was told the same. I it all moved to a small local pharmacy and picked it up in 30 minutes, less than 2 hours inside the 48 hour window necessary for the HCQ.
    In short, Kroger pharmacy has decided to practice medicine without a license so add them to any class action suit. I am told that the majority of the chain pharmacies are doing the same. BTW, within in 3 hours of the second dose the fever broke, and the aches and pains subsided. I still had symptoms, but the progression stopped dead in its tracks.
    You want to know why the hospitals are stuffed full? It is simply because a large number of the corporate clinics do nothing other than tell you to go home and call if you get where you can't breath. Then they send you to the hospital so the hospital can collect their $50,000. It was previously $77,000!!!



    "I tested positive", they said. "Indeed you did, from a PCR test that has a rating of 95% false positives", I said. "That same test determined that I'm strikingly handsome, have an IQ north of boiling temp, and am studying to be a rocket surgeon in my spare time", I stated further.


    ASsa retired EM physician and a past Fellow, I am appalled at this statement. I was taught: evaluate, diagnose and treat. Seems tha last has been abandoned. It is shameful


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