Image by Myasuda

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Three years ago, at Interlake High School in Bellevue, student Priyal Sahai said she was cornered and groped by another student in the girl’s bathroom. When she told an assistant principal what happened, Sahai said he told her to give the teen boy “grace,” because he was going through a rough time.

Months later, another student, 'A', said the same person forcibly penetrated her. While he was expelled three days later, she said administrators told her to keep what happened to her “on the down low.”

Two years later, further south at Newport High School, also in Bellevue, student Alex Su told an assistant principal that her ex-boyfriend, a classmate, had physically and emotionally harmed her. She and the assistant principal discussed him being removed from the class they shared, because she was scared to be around him. After weeks of no change, Su shared her story on Instagram. She was later expelled after protesting against the district’s approach...

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