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In his excellent opinion piece, “Facts Beg the Question — Was Uvalde School Shooting Manufactured to Take Your Guns,” CD Media’s L. Todd Wood noted that “school shootings largely went away under [President] Trump. Now they are back with a vengeance. Why is that?”
Wood also highlighted actions—and inaction—by on-scene local cops, SWAT and federal agents that defied logic. “How does this make sense?” he asked. “At the very least, the American people deserve an investigation and answers.”
If any serious, non-political investigation were launched, the influence and impacts of social media should be a top-priority focus. John Hughes made this point loud and clear in a CD Media guest post entitled “Social Media’s Algorithms Enable Mass Murder and Its Leaders Should Be Investigated and Prosecuted.”
He wrote, “[Salvador] Ramos threatened to kill and/or rape teenage girls on Yubo, a social media platform launched in 2015. At least one girl reported him to the Yubo administrators and nothing happened. A 2021 Pew Research Center Study reported nearly a third of US women reported being sexually harassed online. On the fateful day [of the Uvalde school massacre], Ramos posted three warnings of the attack on Facebook.
“Facebook and other left-leaning social media outlets have a propensity for amplifying anger and creating their own misinformation under the guise of censoring ‘misinformation’.”
What investigators could easily miss, though, is the potential for significantly more-sinister elements: intentionally embedded, subliminal messages propagated via social media. What if “deep black” individuals inserted artificial intelligence “bots” that capitalize on Big Tech’s sophisticated algorithms, which routinely scour social media postings for alleged “misinformation,” “hate speech,” etc.? When these AI bots detect a clearly angry, socially isolated, anxious and mentally unstable person posting telltale messages, those feelings could easily be reinforced by bots that pretend to be sympathetic “friends.” No actual person would be involved; just AI bots programmed to react and feed negative emotions to ratchet-up anger.
Now, add a powerful ingredient that almost assuredly would be missed by dedicated investigators: subliminal messages hidden within those bots’ messages and video or audio clips. These could antagonize and literally drive unstable individuals to take deadly action. And what if those innocuous-appearing e-mails or videos from AI “friends” also subtly sent repeated orders, such as “Shoot up a classroom at Ross Elementary School” or “Assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh”? At some point, susceptible, brainwashed individuals will crack and carry out horrific actions that they’ve literally been programmed to execute.
As crazy as that may appear, clandestine or “black” projects launched decades ago demonstrated that people can be “programmed” via specific, proven protocols. Confirmed CIA mind control programs ostensibly were discontinued after the congressional Church Committee exposed shocking CIA experiments conducted on sometimes-unwitting human subjects.
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But anybody who’s served in highly secretive agencies or worked for contractors on classified special access programs (SAP) is well aware that technologies and research efforts deemed critical to national security are never really terminated. They simply “go blacker.” No stretch of the imagination is necessary to believe far more powerful and sophisticated mind control methods have been developed, since the Church Committee’s work in the 1970s. Today’s methods, augmented by today’s AI tools, might go well beyond what a science fiction writer could conceive.
Skeptics, of course, will ask, “Who could possibly be so evil as to order some whacked out psycho to intentionally kill nineteen children? How would anybody justify that merely to achieve a political objective?”
For answers, look no further than those who immediately screamed for draconian gun controls, before children’s bodies were removed from their Uvalde classroom. Fact: unspeakable evil exists in America. It’s quite capable of mass murder, even if at arms’ length, using artificial intelligence “bots” to find, program and trigger people like Salvador Ramos.
And investigators, don’t rule out the potential for Big Tech oligarchs to be willing stooges, given the right incentives or ideological inducements.

Look what some states governors did with the virus in nursing homes, mass murder, easy. Just substitute this kid for the virus and the classroom for the nursing homes, bingo!