• Over 170 Brazilian Military Officers Send Letter To High Command Demanding Action To Preserve Their Honor, And Nation's Freedom

    November 30, 2022
    Image by Ministério da Defesa

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    As Brazil careens toward certification of a rigged election, members of the Brazilian military are growing restless with the lack of action by the Brazilian high command on preventing takeover of the country by a communist regime.

    In the early hours of this Monday (28th) to Tuesday (29th), first in military groups and then in the program Pânico , by Jovem Pan, by Paulo Figueiredo, a letter signed by active-duty officers directed to the command of the Brazilian Army, demonstrating dissatisfaction with “legal insecurity and political and social instability in the country”, reported Pleno News in-country.

    The military ratify the importance of harmony between the three powers, in addition to pointing out dissatisfaction with the work of the communication vehicles.

    – We are concerned about the lack of impartiality in the narrative of the facts and in the dissemination of data, by various communication vehicles – they say.

    – Cowardice, injustice and weakness are the most abhorred attributes for a soldier. Our nation, the one that delivers the highest levels of trust to the Armed Forces, knows that its military will not abandon it – they complete.

    It remains to be seen how this evil drama will play out in the weeks to come.

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    Our military seem to have forgotten that each and every officer and enlisted member has sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.


    If American military officers wrote a letter like that in our country, they would be fired. HOW DARE THEY question 'high' command to preserve their honor and our nation's freedom ! 'High' command are politicians and they are in the process of destroying our country; honor and freedom included. I believe that without divine intervention, we have already reached the point of no return.

    Amy Williams

    Does our Constitution have a similar article to Brazils’, permitting the military to intervene? Perhaps Brazil will pave the way with a path for us to follow(as long as Egos don’t get in the way).
    We simply cannot allow Communism to win!👿
    Without fair elections, we have to find another way to save ourselves.💪❤️🇺🇸

    Max Roeder

    Not one of our "high command" threw their rank on the table when the Afghanistan decision was made. What makes you think they would do it for any other reason?


    I hope Brazil's high command has more stones than what ours do. They are more worried about CRT, gender confused and wokeness in general than actual qualifications.


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