• Read “Cause Unknown" By Ed Dowd

    November 30, 2022

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    I do not usually write book reviews, yet, I am compelled to suggest that everyone on earth read Ed Dowd's book, “Cause Unknown,” immediately. 

    Dowd is a former Black Rock executive, a successful investor and Wall Street analyst, who has a knack for reviewing and compiling evidence for trends - good and bad. 

    Gavin De Becker wrote the afterward and knows how to sift through information and protect individuals from violence. He is the author of “The Gift of Fear,” a book that can teach you how to analyze potential violence in your life and protect yourself. 

    “Cause Unknown” is the most compelling argument to date for taking these so-called PHARMA covid vaccinations off the shelf immediately across the globe. 

    The next time someone pushes back on the benefit/risk analysis for taking these shots, whether mandatory or otherwise, tell them to read this book and reflect. 

    What Dowd has put together is irrefutable evidence. 

    The next time government officials are involved in making policy decisions that affect your health, or in favor of putting your national sovereignty’s health under the World Health Organization, tell them to read this book. 

    L. Tood Wood and I have reported about covid, the vaccinations, their harmful ramifications and the politics pushing these covid “so-called” vaccinations. We have reported what many in my alma mater of legacy media have chosen not to do. 

    Dowd has compiled a wealth of information and packaged it in a way that is an over-the-top evidence-based foundation for any prosecutors in criminal cases and lawyers in civil cases for their opening and closing arguments to halt these shots, and hold PHARMA and those in power accountable,.

    The bottom line is who knew this information, and either by acts of commission and omission chose to do nothing to stop this global travesty of shame and destruction. 

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    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    The mentally, morally, and spiritually deficient Lie-beral Demonocrats are suffering from the insanity of satanity, whose only expertise is bullshitology, masked under the cloak of self-righteousness. They have the Look-At-Me-See-How-Nice-I-Am Syndrome AND ARE FUGITIVES FROM TRUTH. RINOs are included.

    Christine Dolan

    Please READ this BOOK - and distribute to your family and friends.

    God Bless
    Christine Dolan


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