• Benedict XVI: It Is The Time Of Antichrist

    January 11, 2023
    Antichrist with the devil, from the Deeds of the Antichrist

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    In November, I was visiting Bratislava, and had dinner with my friends Vladimir Palko (pictured above), a mathematician and retired statesman, and Jaroslav Daniška, editor of the conservative magazine Standard. Vlado was one of my sources for Live Not By Lies. We were talking about the ailing Pope Benedict XVI. Vlado mentioned that in 2015, he received a letter from Benedict XVI, as Pope Emeritus. Oh? Vlado, a member of the underground Catholic Church who went on to serve as Interior Minister in one of the country's post-Communist governments, had written a book called The Lions Are Coming: Why Europe And America Are Heading for a New Tyranny, about the rising anti-Christian nature of Western life and politics. The book had been translated into German (the hyperlink under the title is to that edition), and a copy of it found its way to Benedict from an Austrian bishop.

    Vlado was grave as he spoke of the letter. It was very short, he said, and appreciative of the book. And at the end, the Pope Emeritus spoke of the Antichrist. Vlado did not want to say precisely what Benedict had said. He told us that he would not release the letter until after Benedict died.

    Last week, I met Jaroslav for dinner in Rome. We were both there for Benedict's funeral. I asked him if Vlado was preparing to release the letter. He said he wasn't sure, because Vlado was getting cold feet. Vlado is an old-school Catholic, and was afraid of being a stumbling block to the faith of others. I urged Jaro to encourage Vlado to say the truth, because it is important for the world to know how the holy pope who just us read the signs of the times...

    To read more visit The American Conservative.


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    Whether or not "the Antichrist" is the "False Prophet" of Revelation is debatable. But, there WILL be a supposed 2nd Coming of Christ, complete with all the miraculous trimmings, set to "deceive the very elect". The glaring difference will be, the 'false Christ's' arrival will be the FIRST "Parousia". So long as you're not deceived by it, the Evil One's tricks will fail.


    what ethnic group is particularly anti-christ??? its their day it seems


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