• Election Watch 2024-The Vice-Presidential Debate And What The "Scavenger Media" Is Missing - Walz's Repeated Lies 

    October 2, 2024
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    Americans watched a normal and civil debate Tuesday night on ABC News when vice-presidential candidates, republican U.S. Senator JD Vance (OH) and democratic Governor Tim Walz (MN), faced off and took pokes at each of the other's respective party's presidential candidates. That was expected. That is what vice-presidential candidates do during a debate. 

    They focused on policy differences with some resonating themes. Vance hit Vice President Kamala Harris hard on border security. Walz tried to blame that on Trump and failed because the reality is that millions more invaded America under Biden Harris than under the Trump administration. The Biden Harris DOJ has admitted nearly 300,000 unaccompanied children have gone missing in the system. Walz blasted former President Donald Trump on abortion rights, which actually may be dicey from Walz's personal experience on that issue, as told to CDM. That may open up another can of worms for Walz down the road. 

    The “Scavenger Media,” with their stinging lack of objectivity, focused on their interpretation of the candidates’ debate performances pre-debate and post-debate based upon their repeated claims that VP debates would not change the trajectory of the 2024 presidential race. 

    But, the 2024 presidential campaign is unprecedented like no other in recent decades, especially following the covid pandemic's draconian policies that harmed Americans physically, psychologically, financially and emotionally.

    That is reality. 

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    This is the first time a former president is running against a current vice-president. This is the first time an incumbent president literally handed the mantle to his vice-president for the top-tier position who garnered no votes in the primary. Matter of fact, Vice-President Harris did not even win any votes when she ran in the 2020 presidential campaign and dropped out of that race in December 2019 before the 2020 primary season began. This is the first time a Vice-Presidential woman is running as a presidential candidate. The importance of that notion to Americans may be lost among most of the “Scavenger Media" elite, but it is not lost among American Moms. 

    This year the vice-president debate may indeed move the needle if you listen to American Moms.

    The "Scavenger Media's" hatred of Trump is blocking critical thinking and some of them believe their political interpretations are more important than those of American Moms.  

    How they have come to that conclusion is mystifying considering the "Scavenger Media" claims we are living in a post-covid world. The reality is that this week, an international bird flu conference is being hosted outside of Washington D.C. The host has tracked avian flu in U.S. since March 2024 and the discussion this week is on quarantines and lockdown - all those dirty words that drive Americans crazy. 

    Dr. Robert Redfield, the former head of the CDC during COVID, who was hammered by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. throughout the global pandemic has even done a complete 180 degrees. He has publicly stated RFK, Jr. was correct for his criticisms and analysis and now agrees that mandated shots were not the way to go in a recent meeting with Kennedy. Redfield penned an opinion in Newsweek

    His opinion piece is a must read. 

    "Kennedy is right: All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture. A large portion of the FDA's budget is provided by pharmaceutical companies. NIH is cozy with biomedical and pharmaceutical companies and its scientists are allowed to collect royalties on drugs NIH licenses to pharma. And as the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), I know the agency can be influenced by special interest groups," wrote Redfield. 

    "But it doesn't stop in the health agencies: the U.S. Department of Agriculture is a captive of industry, too. Created to help the family farmer and to ensure a wholesome food supply, today the agency often favors large corporations over the interests of small farmers and the public's health. To cure our children, we must reevaluate our food choices and the underlying practices of the agricultural sector. We must prioritize wholesome and nutritious food," Redfield adds. 

    "And I think President Trump will empower him [Kennedy]. I support their noble effort to heal our children," Redfield concludes. 

    That reversal and validation matters to American Moms. 

    Around the same, a New York doctor, who advised former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio during covid, was exposed on tape that his covid policy advice was intentionally meant to make it so difficult for Americans that they would conform.  

    That is an admittance of coercion. That is an admittance of denying constitutional rights and violating the role of government. 

    Yet, the doctor and his wife and their friends participated in drug-fueled orgies in Wall Street Bank basement clubs. 

    You just cannot make up this level of hypocrisy. It is vile and the doctor should lose his license. 

    In that interview, New York City's former COVID Czar Dr. Jay Varma bragged to the hidden camera that he and his wife attended drug-fueled sex parties during the pandemic while he simultaneously advised New Yorkers to lockdown. Varma bragged about blowing off steam while going on television during the height of the pandemic and hosting orgies and hanging out in dance parties with more than 200 people. 

    One realistic barometer of the last night's debate is the juxtaposition of the "Scavenger Media" to what Moms in America witnessed last night. 

    The New York Times asked their columnists who won. Most agreed Vance did but with some nasty comments. Some believe that Vance's performance was so good that it will enrage Trump. 

    That could not be farther from the truth. 

    Do they really believe that Trump wanted his running mate to fail? 

    Alternatively, the Moms of America who follow Jessica Reed Krause, who has a whopping million followers on her sub stack, claim they fell in love with JD Vance. 

    “Overnight, Vance flipped the script. What started as Trump’s “mistake” is looking now like one of the most sensible figures in modern politics with Liz Taylor lashes as added perk. My IG comments are lighting up with love notes as I type. This is where the game gets exciting—this is the kind of moment that moves the needle,” wrote Krause, who is an on-the-road journalist Mom of four children, whose followers are most concerned about their children’s health and support “Make America Healthy Again.” 

    Vance appeared calm cool and focused while Walz appeared nervous. Vance opened up with a strong start. Walz had a strong close. 

    But the debate opened up another door which may be more important and that is question of veracity. 

    There is the lingering question of Who is Tim Walz and why is the “Scavenger Media” giving a pass to Walz on two issues - China and veracity? 

    Was Walz in Tiananmen Square in April 1989 - June 1989 when the revolt began?

    For years he has claimed he was. When asked about his past statements about China, Walz deflected last night. He stated he "misspoke." 

    That is not reality. Walz lied repeatedly and the "Scavenger Media" gave him a pass Tuesday night. 

    Walz was in China teaching for a year after he graduated from college in 1989. He returned to the U.S. a year later according to someone who knew him closely during his years in Nebraska, and actually visited him in China.  He continued his teaching career in Nebraska after his return. He met his future wife, Gwen, who was also a teacher. Later, they moved to Minnesota. Walz has taken U.S. students to China for years. 

    But, before he married Gwen he dated other women. And, the one whom he dated before Gwen and apparently during his relationship with Gwen at least one time, witnessed his reaction to Chinese young children in cages when visiting him while he was in China. Walz brushed off that sighting. "Scavenger Media" asked him about the U.S. border, but perhaps they should be asking about what he saw in China in terms of human suffering. 

    Walz's  “misspoke” statement hardly defines his previous claims to have visited Hong Kong in the spring of 1989 during protests in China’s Tiananmen Square when the Chinese government killed hundreds of protestors. 

    Walz was not there. That is reality. He has lied and continues to lie when cleaning up those lies. 

    “My community knows who I am. They saw where I was at,” Walz said during last night's debate. “Look, I will be the first to tell you, I have poured my heart into my community. I’ve tried to do the best I can, but I’ve not been perfect, and I’m a knucklehead at times, but it’s always been about that. Those same people elected me to Congress for 12 years.”

    “All I said on this was, I got there that summer and misspoke on this, so I will just – that’s what I’ve said,” he said last night, before adding, “I was in Hong Kong and China during the democracy protests went in. And from that, I learned a lot of what needed to be in, in governance,” he said.

    So, now America is to believe "knucklehead" defines "liar." 

    Walz previously has stated he visited Hong Kong in “May of '89,” weeks before the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing.

    During a 2014 hearing of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China honoring the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, Walz, then a Minnesota U.S. Congressman, stated the following with specifics: 

    “As a young man, I was just going to teach high school in Foshan in Guangdong, and was in Hong Kong in May of ’89,” he said. “And as the events were unfolding, several of us went in. And I still remember the train station in Hong Kong.”

    “The opportunity to be in a Chinese high school at that critical time seemed to me to be really important. And it was a very interesting summer to say the least. Because if you recall, as we moved in that summer and further on and the news blackouts and things that went on, you certainly can’t black out news from people if they want to get it,” he continued.

    Walz later claimed in a June 2019 radio interview that he was in Hong Kong on June 4, 1989 – the day of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

    “I was in Hong Kong on June 4, 1989, when, of course, Tiananmen Square happened. And I was in China after that. It was very strange ‘cause, of course, all outside transmissions were, were blocked – Voice of America – and, of course, there was no, no phones or email or anything. So I was kind of out of touch. It took me a month to know the Berlin Wall had fallen when I was living there,” he said.

    During a  2009 Congressional Executive Commission on China hearing to commemorate the Tiananmen Square protests, Walz lied again. 

    “Twenty years ago today, I was in Hong Kong preparing to go to Foshan to teach at Foshan No. 1 Middle School,” he said. “To watch what happened at the end of the day on June 4 was something that many of us will never forget, we pledge to never forget, and bearing witness and accurate telling of history is absolutely crucial for any nation to move forward.”

    "Bearing witness" to something one never witnessed is a lie. 

    Contemporaneous newspaper reports in 1989 published by the Washington Free Beacon placed Walz in Nebraska around May 1989. 

    An issue of the Alliance Times-Herald dated May 16, 1989, features a photo of Walz touring a Nebraska National Guard storeroom. The paper notes in the photo's caption that Walz “will take over the job” of staffing the storeroom from a retiring guardsman and “will be moving to Alliance,” Nebraska. A separate newspaper article about Walz’s planned trip to China published by a Nebraska-based outlet in April 1989 reported that he planned to travel to China in early August of that year.

    Walz even gets the Pinocchio award for his exaggeration for how many times he has traveled to China. In a 2016 interview, he said he had visited China “about 30 times.” In another meeting of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China in 2016, Walz claimed to have visited Hong Kong “dozens and dozens and dozens of times.”

    Harris' campaign has stated that Walz's trip to China is “likely closer to 15.”

    House Oversight Chairman James Comer recently subpoenaed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for documents related to Walz because “whistleblower disclosures” to the committee have alleged Walz has ties to the Chinese Communist Party. 

    It is time for the "Scavenger Media" to stop giving Walz a pass and listen to American Moms. 

    American Moms may be the October surprise the "Scavenger Media" Has Missed. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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