News reports today show the FDA has known about the effectiveness of the generic drug chloroquine against coronavirus, which was developed in 1939, since 2005. This raises serious questions about the agenda of our globalist elites and their behavior during this crisis.
We have reported diligently on our pro-China media dutifully carrying out Beijing's narrative, and fanning the flames of panic during this epidemic.
There is more evidence this morning of duplicity.
After President Trump recently heralded possible new drug therapies as a breakthrough during this pandemic, the legacy media has attempted to downplay, even stop, the optimism.
A case in point -- this morning Bloomberg News actively attempted to quash the possible easing of suffering for victims of the Chinese coronavirus, by frightening those using the drug chloroquine.
The drug touted by the U.S. President Donald Trump as a possible line of treatment against the coronavirus comes with severe warnings in China and can kill in dosages as little as two grams, reported Bloomberg.
Of course, any drug, when given in the wrong dosage, can be fatal for a patient. The FDA is currently conducting clinical trials to publish protocols for use of the drug. You don't see reports like this on HIV drugs for instance that have been shown to save lives.
So why the negativism on such a promising therapy?
One possible reason suggested is the influence of big Pharma on the FDA; the lack of profits from a generic drug preventing chloroquine's widespread adoption.
Another reason may be that these media outlets simply don't want Trump to be successful and re-elected, no matter the human cost to the American people.
A third reason may be they are simply paid and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
We report, you decide.
Paid for and Owned by Chinese Nationals... Thats why.
The reason Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin etc are banned or shunned by the mad stream media is that the emergency authorization for the "vax" was granted on the strict provision that if any well known, safe and effective drug could be found the authorization was void......
Mini Mike could not beat President Trump for his job so he will stoop, not very far for him, to the lowest form.
I choose "all of the above" as a possibility. MiniMike is heavy into China, media owned by ?, and pols being supported by big pharma in campaigns.
Nobody believes the media anyway.
Time to break up big media the way Standard Oil was broken up. Set size limits and force divestiture.
chloroquine and hydroxycloroquine are two different drugs, the later being much safer than its predecessor. Hydroxycloroquine has been used very safely for about 50 years by many ,many people worldwide. It is commonly taken at higher doses for malaria than are needed for CV.
Correctamundo...see my previous comment above...