• German ANTIFA 'Coordinator' Denies Coordinating ANTIFA In US...Then Reporter Shows Proof

    August 20, 2020
    German ANTIFA 'Coordinator' Denies Coordinating ANTIFA In US...Then Reporter Shows Proof
    Antifa.org website run our of Seattle, allegedly coordinated in Germany

    George Elliason, an American reporter in Ukraine, wrote in his recent piece that ANTIFA's political representation and leadership is in Germany, and provided what he says is proof.

    Utzer is Antifa’s German Pirate Party chubby, never miss a meal, pasty white leader of the boots on the ground Obama-Biden Antifa-BLM insurrection taunting Donald Trump to try and do something about it.

    Utzer is the German directing the traffic for American Antifa seditionists willing to murder and destroying their own cities for a foreign hacker-politico who owns a little security company and loves dogs. My guess is until he sees his face here, Utzer is laughing at you.

    Elliason presented details of the original ANTIFA website being run out of Germany, and political connections in the European Parliament, under the Pirate Party. The website domain antifa.org is registered in Seattle, WA, in the good-ole US of A.

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    Those he listed names, including German Pirate Party Federal Chairman Sebastian Alscher, who were not amused.

    German ANTIFA Coordinator Denies 'Coordinating' Riots In US...Then Reporter Shows Proof

    Utzer also tried to laugh off the connection, but was swiftly rebuked with what Elliason says is evidence that Utzer left bread crumbs online tracing back to Germany.

    German ANTIFA Coordinator Denies 'Coordinating' Riots In US...Then Reporter Shows Proof


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    rickey ricardo

    George Elliason can do this, but why hasn't the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NHS been able to do this?

    […] work is already ruffling many feathers, as Creative Destruction Media has noted. The German Pirate Party Federal Chairman Sebastian Alscher tried to laugh off the report, but […]

    […] work is already ruffling many feathers, as Creative Destruction Media has noted. The German Pirate Party Federal Chairman Sebastian Alscher tried to laugh off the report, but […]

    […] work is already ruffling many feathers, as Creative Destruction Media has noted. The German Pirate Party Federal Chairman Sebastian Alscher tried to laugh off the report, but […]

    […] Media Staff: Obama/Brennan Imported Overseas Terrorists Into US To Form ANTIFACD Media Staff: German ANTIFA ‘Coordinator’ Denies Coordinating ANTIFA In US…Then Reporter Shows ProofGeorge Eliason: Donald Trump’s Ukraine Server – How the FBI and ODNI hacked and influenced […]

    […] work is already ruffling many feathers, as Creative Destruction Media has noted. The German Pirate Party Federal Chairman Sebastian Alscher tried to laugh off the report, but […]

    […] The German Pirate Party leadership left a breadcrumb trail from Antifa’s oldest website dating back to the 1990s back to themselves. – CD Media […]

    […] and CDmedia.com both point to an article by journalist George Eliason that proves direct contact between ANTIFA in […]

    […] work is already ruffling many feathers, as Creative Destruction Media has noted. The German Pirate Party Federal Chairman Sebastian Alscher tried to laugh off the report, but […]


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