• BREAKING: Deep State US Agency Sanctions Ukrainian Releasing Audio Evidence Of Biden Criminal Activity

    September 10, 2020
    Vice President Joe Biden at a Meeting with Ukrainian Legislators, April 22, 2014

    The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Russian individuals and one Ukrainian today for interfering in the 2020 president election in November. The problem is -- the one Ukrainian sanctioned just happens to be the guy releasing audio tape evidence of Biden criminality in Ukraine while Vice President.

    Andriy Derkach has released multiple audio tapes which confirm CDMedia earlier reporting on Biden crime family/Deep State/DNC/State Department illegal activity in Ukraine during the Obama Administration.

    CDMedia is obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!  

    If releasing audio tapes of criminal activity so the American people know what one of their presidential candidates had been involved in is 'interfering in an election', then we are lost as a nation, and the rule-of-law cannot survive.

    You can find our investigative work on Deep State/Biden crimes here.

    The US. Treasury Department sanctioned on Thursday one of Rudy Giuliani’s Ukrainian allies for interference in the U.S. elections. Andriy Derkach worked closely with the president’s personal attorney—and with the Trump-friendly cable network, OANN—to push accusations of political misconduct against Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Derkach, a member of Kyiv’s parliament, has also been supplying documents to Republicans on Capitol Hill, where Sen. Ron Johnson as part of his election-eve investigation into the Bidens’ conduct in Ukraine, snarled the Daily Best.

    This is a classic example of the Obama Deep State in action.

    In fact, CDMedia has been de-platformed by five Silicon Valley big-tech companies in the past few days for reporting on this behavior and the Information Operation being conducted against the American people.

    We rely on readers to grow our reporting, donate if you can.


    CDM Staff

    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    It doesn't matter. Barr has made it perfectly clear that he's defending the swamp instead of draining it. Democrat criminals get a free pass...


    Those of us paying attention know that after almost 4 years, President Trump is still surrounded by deep state operatives, throughout the federal bureaucracy, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the military.


    I am afraid that no matter who gets elected in November, we are a lost nation. Trump has been under attack by the deep state and liberals since day one. If he is reelected, it will continue and most likely be much worse. If Biden is elected the Deep State will be in power and we will lose so many rights it will be unbelievable. The first to go will be the 2A. That is the only thing keeping it halfway honest now. Without weapons, we are screwed. I hope that it might change, but I have been around long enough to understand that money talks and BS walks. How very sad my grand kids won't recognize the country that I grew up in and love.

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    Will Ukraine and Russia contest these sanctions through diplomatic channels, or is Ukraine trying to cover up the corruption as well.
    I think that's most likely the situation, that Ukraine has been such as source for laundered American aide money, money likely going to Russian and Ukrainian oligarch's as well as American politically connected, that it's unlikely anything will be done to expose any of this.

    Jerry Rockwell

    With the deep state, every conceivable lie and dirty trick will be done. They have made it very clear they intend to steal this election. They failed even after rigging it for Hillary, and they are pissed. You can tell who they are, just watch the tactics, and the voices like, Pelosi, Waters, Pocahontas, Schumer, Schiff, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Paige, Lynch, Obama, Biden, etc. etc.

    old farta

    The fact the Americans have guns must motivate democraps to confiscate them. I wonder what it will take for Americans to take up arms against the deep state, at the federal, state, and local levels.


    It's time to start exterminating all globalists News Liars , Tech Censors , and all their staff and owners . They Are The Real Enemy


    Perhaps if you made your comment section more user friendly , you would have more readers and supporters , it is like a child created your comment section , not a professional IT person .


    et tu, Treasury?

    Show me

    Why didn't Treasury sanction Christopher Steele?

    Dave Huff

    The Biden's will never face charges.....


    The Usurper was practical enough to gather around him the truly devoted persons only, so during the whole two terms he was never betrayed. During the Trump’s first term we have to watch quite the opposite situation: nearly each his “great” or “incredible” appointee begins to compete with others in the art of betrayal right the next minute after the appointment. Why?


    LAM: Point taken. We have a lot of things to get done and this has not been the priority to be honest. We'll work on it. Building a global news company is a huge undertaking. ty

    John Flowers

    Nobody is in jail, there is no rule of law for these politicians and the American people are just fodder for foreign policy snafus.
    An enlisted man would have already been in jail awaiting trail for the crimes these politicians and high ranking government agents commit. The deep state is real and this is proof positive that it exists. Donal Trump represents a clear and present danger to their way of life, which is intimidating weaker countries and extorting money from them. Loyalty to the country always and to government if it deserves it.

    John 8

    Voting will not remove the cancer destroying this nation. John Chapter 8

    […] BREAKING: Deep State US Agency Sanctions Ukrainian Releasing Audio Evidence Of Biden Criminal Activi… […]


    Nothing surprises me about criminal BidAn, DNC, Corruption in Ukraine, Biolabs, Adrenochrome harvesting, child sex trafficking, these people are criminals, they stole the 2020 Election. Bidan never won & the World knows it. I don't even believe that impostor in his pretend WH is even BidAn. They fool the dumb people stupid enough to buy the lies & get their misinformation from the fake news MSM, FakeBook & Twitter. It seems the corrupt DNC along with George Scumbag Soros have corrupted every Dept, every agency, every court & Judge. When the Judges refuse to look at the Election Fraud you know they all comoromised. They are sell outs and Traitors. I hope the military arrests them & charges them for all their crimes. I do not even believe most are even human. They are pure evil. God help America.

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