• BREAKING: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Demands To Depose Joe Biden During Corruption Investigation

    September 21, 2020
    Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Demands To Depose Biden During Corruption Investigation
    Image by Youtube-CC-BY

    Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was fired due to pressure from Joe Biden in 2016, as Shokin was investigating Biden's son, Hunter Biden, in corrupt dealings with the Burisma group of companies in Ukraine, is now under investigation in Kyiv on corruption charges.

    Today he demanded to depose Joe Biden in his defense to Ukrainian prosecutors.

    Today ex-Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin demanded to interrogate the candidate for the post of President of the United States from the Democratic Party Joseph Biden. According to our sources in the National Police, Shokin stated his demand during interrogation by the investigator, who is conducting the proceedings 62020000000000236, about interference in the work of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General (part 2 of article 343 of the Criminal Code). Shokin, who has the procedural status of a victim, continues to insist that in 2016, as vice president of the United States, Biden threatened the fifth President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, to block the transfer of $ 1 billion in financial assistance if he did not remove Shokin from the post of Prosecutor General, reports local media.

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    At that time, Shokin was the procedural leader in the criminal proceedings against Nikolai Zlochevsky and other managers of Burisma, whose supervisory board included Joseph Biden's son Hunter Biden. Poroshenko summoned Shokin and instructed him to write a letter of resignation of his own free will. It is important to understand that Shokin's demand to interrogate Biden can lead to significant diplomatic consequences for Ukraine, and, in fact, is interference in the US presidential elections on the side of the Republicans.

    The question remains open - whether this demand is an initiative of Shokin himself or is coordinated by representatives of the current Ukrainian government, in fact, again stepping on the same rake.

    You can read CDMedia's over 60 articles on Biden/Deep State/DNC corruption in Ukraine here.


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    I may be crazy, but I seem to remember watching a video where a very smug Joe Biden quite plainly stated that he did exactly what Shokin claims he did.

    Biden is Toast So R His Brain Cells

    I'm not trying to be cute, funny or mean,
    But I, absolutely, cannot come up with a truer description for Biden's oral skills (or lack of them)

    Can you, in your goodiest of goody two shoes, cross your heart and hope to die, swear on oath, in all honesty -
    say that " Biden DOESN'T sound like he's chomping a turd WHENEVER he speaks ???

    What did he say outside his extended care room the other morning ? " Shuupreme Court " ? and " Her " (forgetting her name)... "you know the thing" right? in regards to RBG ?
    But today try and listen to him say in rapid fire "Ruth Bader Ginsburg!" over and over
    (as if his handlers just put him thru a cram course overnight to try and salvage his turd-like, off the cuff response)...WITHOUT sounding like he's chomping a turd this time .. didn't work.
    Oh Yeah, they'll forget, uh huh, sure...I'm getting to the point that I can hear the bile dribbling out of his yap.

    And just a few days before that he was screaming intermittently at 6 people in a staged event with a sooo weird " by time i finish this Tawwwlkkkk " ?
    He sounds to me just like that brat child Greta, who also has a mental illness and a childlike brain.

    The bad players all over the world really do want that simpleton in office...imagine if all of your enemies had that same pathetic, infantile, useless mentality, as that of Biden.


    that's rich...when democrats and rino republicans both used ukraine to enrich themselves and their families. it was the democrats, brooking institute and the open society that targeted trump and meddled in 2016 not the russians....thanks maria thanks vindman thanks eric thanks schiff thanks john kerry thanks lindsay thanks john mccain, thanks hillary and obama.


    This writer is obviously a hack for The Globalists , why does he have to say it is a ploy on someome's behalf ... Joe Biden bragged at a CFR conference on video how he bacakmailed the Ukrainian Government to stop a Prosecutor from looking into a corrupt company that hired The Coke Head Chinese Lackey Hunter Biden , Joe Biden's Traitor son .
    Funny how the article didn't mention the video , or the fact Biden did blackmail a foreign government with U.S. Tax money .

    BB Brown

    The statement: " in fact, is interference in the US presidential elections on the side of the Republicans." is disingenuous as it implies that the Republican party is siding with Shokin. They are not. This would be collusion It may benefit them clearly but they are not siding with Shokin by any means.


    Biden quite openly said he did that. He should have been hauled off the stage where he was saying it and jailed there and then just as would have happened once upon a time in the United States of America. But in the Banana States of America set up by Obama justice is no longer done or seen to be done.


    Well, Biden can claim mental health issues and dementia as his reason for not being able to testify. . . . . .Bwhahahahahah!


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