• LinkedIn De-platforms CDMedia...Sixth Silicon Valley Company To Do So

    October 6, 2020
    LinkedIn Deplatforms CDMedia...Sixth Silicon Valley Company To Do So

    After investigating and reporting on DNC/Deep State/State Department/Biden criminal behavior in Ukraine since 2014, CDMedia was de-platformed across 5 Silicon Valley companies within a few days. These included Twitter, PayPal, Stripe, CJ Affiliate, and Patreon.

    Now, add LinkedIn to the list as of this morning.

    This happened after the launch of our new show - Information Operation, where we outline the psyop being conducted against the American people with military-grade technology.

    CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!

    You can read our over 70 articles on Biden crime family corruption here.

    By the way, Episode 2 of Information Operation will be out later today!


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    CDM Staff

    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    One more internet company I'll never use again!

    rickey ricardo

    There is no free speech and there certainly is no interactive free speech, just as there is no law and certainly no justice. See Clinton and Obama, Comey and Brennan.

    Mensa Graham

    Leaving LinkIn after so many years. I cannot be associated with a company that censors people for expressing their thoughts.

    William Bennett

    I have canceled my account, you should stick with the gal who brought you to the dance. So long for good to Linkin.
    William B.


    Your link to the 70 Joe Biden stories goes to a dead end with nothing.


    mimi, u live in bermuda? link is fixed


    You don't need these companies . People are programmed to believe they do. Let go of the belief that THEY matter. Believe that support is everywhere and that you are reaching More people than you ever imagined.

    Go daddy

    You don't need these companies . People are programmed to believe they do. Let go of the belief that THEY matter. Believe that support is everywhere and that you are reaching More people than you ever imagined.


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