A source from the Department of Justice has informed CDMedia the Durham investigation into the origins of Russiagate has morphed into an investigation of massive election fraud in the U.S. general election on Nov 3rd.
U.S. Attorney General William Barr secretly gave 'special counsel' status to Durham in October and reportedly expanded his mandate.
The most curious case revealed in the public arena so far is the testimony unearthed by Phill Kline, former Attorney General of Kansas, and director of The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society.
Witness and truck driver Jesse Morgan revealed in a recent press conference being directed to haul hundreds of thousands of ballots from Bethpage, NY on Long Island to Pennsylvania, where they disappeared.
“I drive a tractor-trailer for U.S. postal service, a subcontractor. I drive a route route from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to Bethpage, New York, to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and back to Lancaster,” he explained.
“On October 21, when I arrived for my usual route for Bethpage,” he recalled, “an expeditor made three references to ballots that were to be loaded into my trailer, including saying, ‘Hey, you have ballots today.'”
“I then drove to Lancaster, unhooked my trailer in its normal place, and then drove my truck to where I always park it,” he recalled. “The next day, it just got weirder. As I arrived at Lancaster… my trailer was gone, not there anymore.”
The interesting thing about the USPS Bethpage Transit Facility described by Morgan is that it is located only a couple miles from the offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Melville, Long Island.
Investigators might be asking how an attorney from Kansas found out about the Bethpage ballot scheme, when law enforcement located down the street seems to have had no idea.
Yawn. We'll look for an indictment long about 2024.
Durham has come up empty on Russia Gate and will do the same on
Voter Fraud. He and Barr will run the clock out until Trump is gone and all will be well again in the swamp.
Durham can't seem to handle his original investigation into the failed 2016 coup at the FBI...why should we be happy to hear he's moving into the Dem election fraud of 2020? Is it good that he can now do his bes5 to Deep Six BOTH investigations?
I'm calling MAJOR BS! He should have had arrests 6 months ago. AG BARR THE USELESS and DURHAM THREE STOCK PHOTOS are protecting the OBAMA LED COUP and every official involved! Comey just started a job as a College Professor teaching TREASON 101 at Colombia Uwe! Good grief! Whoever thinks Durham is investigating ELECTION FRAUD is smoking some real good SCHEDULE O-N-E Fentanyl laced heroin sticks! FATSO BARR SCREWED AMERICA!
With Durham at the helm we are guaranteed Baron Trump will have clean election when he runs for president.
Word is Durham has NONE of the big names in the Russia Hoax in his investigation....he is going to pin this on some low level staffer or mail room clerk. Barr is in place to protect the institutions of the FBI, CIA, DOJ and now the corrupt elections.
John Durham, where investigations go to die.
Durham is useless, just another swamp creature...just saw the taxpayer gravy train and jumped aboard. Typical government worker, don't have to produce anything and still get paid. Barr and Durham need to be fired, they are both a drag on the taxpayer, we are not getting our money's worth.
Barr and Durham are part of the swamp. They should be fired immediately.
WAKE UP AMERICA! Throw off our somnolence. It is obvious to the alert student that Barr and Durham are a burial detail, designed to stall, obfuscate and hide the truth, just as Jeff Sessions.
So, is the sedition conspiracy against President Trump considered no more relevant by the DOJ? Is The Big Steal now the sexy investigation of choice? I AM ASHAMED OF MY GOVERNMENT.
Funny how we get rumors of yet 'another investigation' that will never come to fruition.
Even if true, it will never happen in time.
Nothing will happen until the first conservative gunshot is fired.
This rumor is being 'leaked' to keep the Right calm so the left can finish their dirty work.
WOW! We can expect nothing twice as fast.
Every morning Barr and Durham arise, look i the mirror and ask themselves, "what am I not going to do today?" Durham is about as adept as Inspector Clouseau. Barr is just whiling away time.
It's refreshing to read the comments...all of you get it...Barr and Durham are guardians of the Swamp and saboteurs of justice.
"Land of the Free because of the Brave".
"Brave" Americans: Please do everything that you can over the next 2 to 6 weeks to be physically and materially prepared to forcefully declare our independence from the Globalist-Democrat-CCP cabal that runs Washington.
Our country, your wealth, and your children's future is all forfeit if the steal is allowed to stand. And if not overthrown by the SCOTUS or by state legislators voting, the only way the swamp is going to let go is for them to be torn from power and dragged away from the hallowed halls of our nation's capital.
There are few times in a person's life when their individual action will set the tone for the next 200 years. This is that time.
Live on your knees or die on your feet. Be ready to serve.
I am beginning to think Durham could not find his penis to urinate when he goes to the bathroom. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn from time to time. There has been so many crimes committed by the demoRats that you could put on a blindfold and throw darts at a wall with the numerous crimes posted on it and hit a crime every time. But Barr and Durham have come up empty?
Who is the Durham you speak of?
Is this Durham an alias for Q?
Both seem to deliver a whole lotta nothing.