Swalwell Swag|Pelosi And Schiff’s Hands Caught In Fang Fang’s Cookie Jar

The Axios breaking story detailing Chinese soft power at work in the Capitol leaving the shagged and wilting reputation of Democrat Eric Swalwell broken like a cheap fortune cookie should make how Congressmen are given seats on the Intel Committee a priority for Americans.

In Congressman Massie’s “The Swamp” he details that committee chairs are given based on the amount of donations a given congressman brings into the party. Seats aren’t given based on qualifications or expertise. 

The House Intel Committee is one of very few of the hardest seats to obtain in Congress because of the prestige that goes with it. Unfortunately, seats like this are bought by lobbyists and donors with policy objectives like China.

According to the story, China’s version of Austin Powers ensnared cheap date Eric Swalwell and other California politicos from 2011 to 2015.

We know Nancy Pelosi appointed Swalwell to the House Intel Committee in 2015 at the same time operation Fang Fang was concluding and China spy Christine Fang was on her way back to Beijing. Democrats involved with seating Swalwell on the Intelligence Committee never bothered to brief Republican chair holders that Swalwell had been compromised.

According to the Federalist, A senior U.S. intelligence official told The Federalist that investigators only uncovered limited circumstantial evidence that Swalwell may have tipped Fang off after he was warned of her connections to Chinese intelligence.


Today, Pelosi is expressing complete confidence in the Congressman and won’t be removing Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, conveniently doesn’t know anything.

When you consider committee seats are bought by donors in Congress this presents a huge hole in national security for the Intelligence Committee.

You see, Christine Fang, aka 008, fundraised for Swalwell’s 2014 reelection which effectively means, China successfully bought a seat at the House Intel Committee while top-level Democrats in the House watched and cheered.

In 2015, the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) was in charge of doling out the committee seats. The DCCC is one of six entities that make up the Democratic Party.  According to the Nation, the DCCC also receives the most donations. 

Swalwell Swag|Pelosi And Schiff’s Hands Caught In Fang Fang’s Cookie Jar

(Source: Federal Election Commission)

Accordingly, the larger the donation to the DCCC a congressman brings in, the more prestigious committee Nancy Pelosi assigned them to. Take Eric Swalwell as an example, not an exception to the rule.

The easiest way for private parties to affect or change domestic policy is to have a monied voice in foreign policy. 

If you don’t believe me- Russia, Russia, Russia! US drops case against Russian firm accused of 2016 vote meddling

17 Mar 2020 The US Justice Department on Monday abruptly dropped its criminal case against a company controlled by an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, which allegedly funded the campaign to meddle in the United States’ 2016 elections.

Just weeks before the trial was to begin, the Justice Department announced it was withdrawing the eight-count indictment of Concord Management and Consulting, a company owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin.

A case Mueller couldn’t prove after four years that caused a societal rift in the US and for Nancy Pelosi to start impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump came out of the House Intelligence Committee. The innuendo based accusations were backed by Ukrainian lobbyist UCCA, the Ukrainian government, and was the basis for the anti-Trump movement.

The "hate Donald Trump regardless of the evidence" movement built on Mueller's fake allegations was most of what Joe Biden had to bank on going into election 2020.

Since the DCCC is the most powerful and donated to part of what we call the DNC, how many Chinese Fang Fang cookies did Eric Swalwell have to put into its cookie jar for Nancy Pelosi to notice him?

Besides Christine Fang's, how many other cookie jars do Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi have their DCCC hands in?

Swalwell Swag|Pelosi And Schiff’s Hands Caught In Fang Fang’s Cookie Jar

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