Governor Kemp - Cleanse Your Soul
A screen capture taken from a Brian Kemp for Governor campaign ad, entitled “Jake”
Image by Betatype

There has been much recent press about Georgia and other state legislators refusing to perform their function under the Constitution of the United States for fear of being 'doxed' by Antifa, or being brow-beaten by corrupt GOP leadership and possibly losing lucrative committee assignments. These bodies are doing nothing as required to combat the massive election fraud committed last Nov 3rd.

This is the wrong thing to be afraid of.

These spineless politicians who refuse to stand up for free and fair elections in America, or for the American people's voice, should more likely fear the wrath of the Trump voter, who will surely kick them out of office next chance they get.

Expect primaries.

The silver lining of this Constitutional crisis is that the vast corruption of the Democrat (read communist) party, and their enablers in the Grand Old Party Establishment are being exposed for all of America, and the world to see.

The much talked about 'great reset' will not be a 'blue wave' in America, but will be a populist one. Wokeness has peaked. The Left now fears a revolution in minority communities, especially Latinos and Blacks. This reality is the consequence of the 2020 red wave election.

This is why they had to attempt to steal it. They will not be successful.

Those now committing treason and other crimes will be held accountable in the near future.

The Deplorables will not forget.

When Deep State criminals cynically use patriotism to mask their malign behavior their official protection goes out the window and is void.

We predict mass arrests and prosecutions are coming.