• Deep State Removes Article On The Global Cyber/Information Op Against President Trump...This Is What Happened

    January 12, 2021

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    Globalist, anti-Trump, and anti-American forces took down the U.S. republic via a coordinated cyber attack against our election, prosecuted via internet links with our enemies overseas. This information was received by CDMedia from sources close to The White House.

    The Deep State has removed an article this morning which was a good overview of what happened, essentially admitting to its overall authenticity. Luckily, we were able to retrieve the article from our cache and have displayed screenshots below. The PDF can be downloaded on the link below.

    CDMedia will be publishing a series of articles on the 'way forward' to reclaim the republic in the coming days.

    Deep State Removes Article On The Global Cyber/Information Op Against President Trump...This Is What Happened

    We are Americans...Let's act like it!

    CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Please help us in our fight to save the republic by donating here!

    Deep State Removes Article On The Global Cyber/Information Op Against President Trump...This Is What Happened
    Deep State Removes Article On The Global Cyber/Information Op Against President Trump...This Is What Happened
    Deep State Removes Article On The Global Cyber/Information Op Against President Trump...This Is What Happened


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    CDM Staff

    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    I just don't understand why nothing will be done!!!!


    Trump became a disappointment! To simply hand our country over to this pile of shit is beyond me!!!!


    Cyber warfare is WAR, so giving aid and comfort to those conducting it meets the Constitutional definition for TREASON (Art. III Sec. 3). You also need two witnesses. Two supreme court justices witnessed the other seven members giving aid and comfort to those conducting election fraud when they refused to allow Texas its day in court. We all know they will never be brought to justice.


    He can't fight those who serve evil alone, and few have his courage.


    I call upon our military leaders to honor their oaths to defend the constitution against the foreign and domestic enemies that perpetrated this overthrow of the United States of America!! It is the duty of every soldier past and present to arrest the plotters or kill them if they resist arrest. If our military leaders lack the courage to act, the junior officers and enlisted men and women should seize control and remedy this situation legally in accordance with their sworn duty.


    Keep dreamin' Herman. Military is as compromised as the rest of this banana republic.


    CD, you may be forced to follow Gabs business model to remain listed.
    The mentally ill marxists will never stop their vicious assault on freedom of speech or thought.
    This has happened many times in the recent past and it always leads to millions of dead humans.


    Courage is a rare commodity. Trump has an abundance of it.

    Kathleen Morris

    For those of you who have lost faith, I would like to remind you of some historical facts: (1) Daniel an advisor to three (3) kings WAS thrown into a Lion's den due to jealousy by other government officials (2) read Numbers chapters 15 and 16 to see how God dealt with the "Never Trumpers" against Moses. President Trump has utilized the principles of the Art of War to perfection. If the true election results had been accepted look how much would have been overlooked. I think the 10th plague has occured and we are going to see "Pharaoh 's army got drowned ". It takes great patience and discipline to " not fire until you see the white of their eyes". Keep the faith. WWG1WGA!!!

    David Kadar

    This country in engaged in organized evil. Only righteous men with God's help can overcome it.

    William Joyce

    I believe God's Will will be done. I agree with your Biblical stance I just Pray Donald Trump is up for it. He does not have many good people around him. But the Word says God and one man is a army. May God Bless him and the USA


    >>>>>The cancerous combination of politics-MSM comparison is precisely the same thing as a...silver dollar? You can d@mn sure bet the clown farm: it's heads they win, tails we lose flop in the ring brothers political circus. Continually in every town near you!<<<<<
    Any questions? (0_o)

    aces of 8 opfor rules

    were all going to die and dying is peaceful


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