• Debbie Aldrich's 'Dr. Bill' Outlines The Hypocrisy Around HCQ And Trump, Highlights American Journal Of Medicine Admission Of Effectiveness Against CCP Virus

    February 10, 2021
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    The American Journal of Medicine (AJM) published an article in January essentially admitting, after Biden was in office of course, that hydroxychloroquine works very well in the treatment of the CCP virus. To be precise, the article was released THE DAY AFTER Biden was inaugurated.

    CDMedia's Debbie Aldrich has been on this issue for the last year with medical sources who are knowledgeable on the issue.

    The AJM article also discusses the effectiveness of zinc as a treatment in the early stages of the illness. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was heavily criticized for promoting zinc, along with HCQ and antibiotics in the beginning of the pandemic. Debbie Aldrich has had Zelenko on her show as well discussing his treatment regime.

    “I was Pleasantly surprised when I read this article this past week because over the past few months it seems that Trump's enemies had pretty much killed hydroxychloroquine as a possible adjunct in the treatment of coronavirus," declared Dr. Bill, a physician heavily involved in the HCQ saga, and a frequent Guest with Aldrich.


    People died during this pandemic because HCQ was barred from being widely used. Big Pharma achieved financial gains. Corruption is now exposed inside the medical community and with policy makers. There should be accountability for this reality.

    Some medical people were courageous, some were complicit in the fraud. The media revealed itself as corrupt and pushing a fake narrative.

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    Debbie Aldrich

    Freedom Fighter, Political Activist, Former US Congressional Candidate, Writer, Foreign Policy & Political Analyst, Contributor to I24English, World Traveler, lived 6 yrs in Europe, 7 yrs in Middle East, Show Casing overlooked and under reported stories, Host of ‘Freedom’s Voice from Around the Globe’.
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    Can you please ask Dr. Bill the following question about the COVID-19 vaccine?

    My wife traveled to Vienna for a conference in Feb 2020. She stopped in England on her way home to visit family. While there she became very sick, couldn’t get out of bed, fever, myalgia, loss of taste and smell. After she recovered and had a few days rest she came home. This is before the COVID-19 pandemic was called - so no testing etc. About a week later I felt malaise, but no fever - maybe I was blessed to have some coronavirus response from previous colds or something.

    Several articles have been published recommending that people who have had COVID-19 NOT get vaccinated. This is because, like all viruses, once you have had an infection the virus remains in your cells (like herpes, chicken pox, etc. that can break out again in later life). These clinicians and scientists say that there is a risk of autoimmune response where the immune system will attack healthy tissue containing fragments of the COVID-19 virus and cause significant damage. The linings of blood vessels, kidneys, and nervous system were cited as potentially the most vulnerable, and could explain some of the severe reactions that have been described from the vaccine including thromboembolic events.

    Also it would have been cogent for you to discuss the blatant censorship by MSM and social media about vaccine reactions. It would also be informative to find out if this rNA technology could be adapted to activate the body’s immune response to CANCER cells, instead of hoping chemo and radiation therapy will kill the tumor before the treatment kills the healthy tissues and the patient.


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