A 5G cell site 
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This story is developing and more articles will be forthcoming...

Yesterday, the corporate, globalist media released a story that Trump loyalists in the U.S. Department of Justice prevented prosecutors from accessing the emails of President Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, in an investigation of Giuliani's actions in Ukraine in 2019 during the impeachment farce while he was supporting the President.

The Daily Mail reported the investigation has been 'punted' to the Biden administration for further action. The case seems to be that Giuliani allegedly committed FARA (Foreign Agent Registration Act) violations by performing an investigation of then Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's corrupt actions in Ukraine during the Obama administration, and his son Hunter Biden's work with Ukrainian organized crime.

The effect of the decision was to delay action on the request for a warrant, as the matter got kicked over to the new administration, wrote The Daily Mail.

CDMedia reporters have discovered the investigation into Giuliani may have a different purpose - to possibly cover up the work of Cambridge Analytica over the last decade in manipulating foreign elections and its connections to 5G.

In December we wrote...

But there is another client, whose attorney-client privilege would be violated during this search for evidence. This client has been providing CDMedia information for over a year on his relationship to Cambridge Analytica going back to the 2010 time frame, during the Obama administration, where he has direct evidence of election manipulation.

So, by seizing Giuliani’s emails, DOJ will be invading the legal privacy of a client who is involved in legal proceedings already concerning these matters. This client has been involved in issues related directly to litigation and investigations concerning Ukraine, the Hunter Biden laptop and the 2020 election, as it relates to his case.

Investigations of this matter have been going on since 2019 and are continuing.

Our source believes the DOJ investigation into Giuliani in Ukraine may be to 'overlay' an investigative cover over the last decade's events in order to prevent the past coming to light because it is 'under investigation'.

We have written extensively here about defense contractor SCL and its actions in Ukraine running an 'information operation' in the country prior to and during the 2014 Maidan revolution which deposed President Viktor Yanykovitch who fled to Moscow after stepping down. This technique of 'color revolution' was then focused by the globalist Deep State to bring down then Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, and finally against President Donald Trump and the MAGA movement itself. This campaign is ongoing as we speak as the second impeachment trial drags on.

CDMedia has been provided documents, which we have confirmed, that show Giuliani's other client (we will call him The Client until we release his name) has evidence from over a decade ago in the Caribbean Islands detailing Cambridge Analytica's manipulation of elections. This effort has been extensively detailed in public reports.

What has not been extensively reported is the involvement of Chase Ergen, the heir to the DISH Network fortune of Charles Ergen. The 'Client' details extensive interaction with Chase Ergen during this time in the Caribbean as Chase Ergen worked to influence elections with Alexander Nix at SCL.

The original attorney on the case was, and still is, Howard Kleinhendler as co-counsel. Kleinhendler is also the lead counsel on Sidney Powell's election fraud cases. He is handling the defamation cases against her as well. The 'Client' brought them together for Giuliani's 'laptop from Hell' investigations.

Reports are that Chase Ergen is referred to by the synonym 'Chester Freeman' in the book and movie 'The Great Hack' by former Cambridge executive Brittany Kaiser.

Charlie Ergen, founder of the broadcast satellite company Dish and the satellite equipment maker EchoStar, is said to be the richest man in Colorado, with a reported net worth of $18.8 billion. He is also a registered Democrat who was once a bundler for long-time friend John McCain ahead of his presidential bid in 2008. In 2016, Ergen and his wife hosted Clinton for a fundraiser at their home, where the candidate collected at least $750,000, wrote Fast Company.

Charlie Ergen has built a 5G spectrum empire in the United States and stands to have significant influence over American communications with this 5G network when built out. Ergen received a special extension from the Trump administration to allow for delays in network construction required under spectrum auction agreements.

'The Client' believes a dual purpose of DOJ wanting to gain access to Giuliani's emails is to provide cover to prevent much of this history from getting out to the public.

The existence of 'The Client' and his representation by Giuliani should be further evidence that DOJ should not have the ability to access Giuliani emails due to attorney-client privilege.

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