• Dekalb County, GA's Secret 25M Voter Registration Application Order Could Be For Illegal Alien Invasion And Permanent Democrat Rule

    April 7, 2021

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    Earlier this year, CDMedia was provided with receipts found in a trash receptacle outside of Dekalb County, GA election facilities, which showed an order on Nov 11, 2020 for 25M voter registration applications in a county of less than one million. The documents were found discarded the day after the inauguration of Joe Biden on Jan 20th of this year.

    CDMedia attempted to verify the transaction by calling Dekalb County election officials and filing an open records request. You can see information on these actions here. The effort was met with refusal to answer, stonewalling, and referrals to 'private entities' (Democratic operatives) for answers.

    Many have suggested the receipt was a mistake, that the number simply cannot be true. We suggest the stonewalling by the county gives credence to the document's authenticity.

    In addition, recent actions by the Biden administration in allowing and enabling a massive migrant invasion across our southern border suggests a motive -- permanent rule by the so-called Democratic Party.

    It is obvious the Biden (really Obama/Jarret/Rice) strategy is to flood the country with illegal aliens who will provide a voting block that will elect Democrats forever in swing states like Georgia, cementing socialism in America.

    It is also obvious the current developments in our nation have been planned by the cabal for years and we are only in the beginning stages. Nothing is being done that is not being meticulously orchestrated.

    Georgia has become the epicenter of election fraud in the United States, Dekalb and Fulton counties specifically.

    We suggest the document below may be nothing less than proof the Biden White House wants millions upon millions of migrants to settle in the swing states that were stolen during the coup last November.

    We await answers from our open records request from Dekalb County, currently stalled by that other well-thought-out subversive activity - the CCP virus.

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    You guys have turned in to Joe Biden. It says 250 thousand, not 25 million. Go back to school,


    Redoubt: Perhaps it is you who needs to go back to school...it is 250k packages of 100 each. Please do some research before opening mouth.


    Maybe the buyer, Rick Thrower reads like Redoubt.

    Flannigan McGaffigan

    TO: Redoubt
    To pay $10 million for 250K Voter Registration Applications equals $40 each! Paying $10 for 250K packs of 100 equals 40 cents each.
    Apparently, analytics, reason and common sense definitely ARE NOT your thing...(face palm).


    I called and left a message for this Ricky Thrower character that thinks it is just fine to order this amount of voter registration forms for the county. His phone number is on the receipt (299-4035). We all knew these creeps would do what they are doing to America. We need to stand United against this crap- cheating mfers are in abundance amongst the leftists and demcrats. I am sick of it.. We have and are allowing these woke creeps to occupy the White House when President Trump clearly won and was the people’s choice. Can you imagine what kind of low life would allow himself to be president even though it’s false? Only a creep of the highest order. A biden


    Well, It may come to a point that the gop people move to a red state. Many are doing that now and I know some that will.


    Redoubt: It indicates "packs of 100" so that would be 25 million.


    Find out where they store the said ballots and antifa it.


    lol - No need to get offensive. They way the receipt is printed one can make both conclusion.

    Having had experience with design/printing/packaging and stuff, I can see how it is very possible that the order is in fact for 250K which are packaged in bundles (packs) of 100 per.

    Now, that being said, paying $40 per seems like a bit high - then again, we cannot make the claim that our Government officials treat our money with any common sense.

    So you see, there is not need to be offensive / The argument could be made either way.

    Bob Probert

    No attacks on Redoubt since it was an innocent mistake. I think Rick Thrower has some answering to do


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