• Shadowy Politician With Chinese Connections Rises To Kemp Administration, Tied To GA SoS Raffensperger

    May 2, 2021
    Shadowy Politician With Chinese Connections Rises To Kemp Administration, Tied To Raffesnperger
    Image from Johns Creek Post

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    A Taiwanese-born politician in a wealthy North Atlanta Georgia suburb, a man with deep Chinese connections, was appointed to multiple boards within the Kemp administration, and is tied directly to GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. The state appointments were given in spite of a dismal record as a local councilman, where he missed a large percentage of meetings and was seen as disinterested, ineffective. CDMedia has spoken to multiple sources in GA for this report.

    Yi-Jeng Lin, otherwise known as Jay Lin, recently lost his bid for GA state representative in 2020, Raffensperger's old seat.

    Jay Lin received campaign donations from infamous GA election official Gabe Sterling, who was public during the 2020 election cycle criticizing President Trump's efforts to provide transparency to the the massive election fraud which occurred in GA during the general election and the Jan 5 U.S. Senate runoff.

    GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's wife also contributed $2,800 to Jay Lin's campaign. Raffensperger has been instrumental in preventing full transparency of what happening in GA on Nov 3rd and Jan 5th of this year.

    Jay Lin replaced Brad Raffensperger, in 2015 when Brad resigned from the city council to run for State Rep. Brad heavily promoted Jay Lin to fill the seat. Although Jay Lin marketed himself as a fiscal conservative, he was far from it, reported the Johns Creek Post.

    He voted for every tax increase that came his way.  Jay Lin had a less than stellar attendance record and often missed important City Meetings.

    Taxes went up while he was Johns Creek City Councilman. This is despite him taking a “Taxpayer Pledge”, not to raise taxes.

    Jay Lin was eventually added to GA Governor Brian Kemp's transition team and was appointed to a number of state task forces including the Minority-Owned Business Taskforce under the Georgians First Commission.

    Jay Lin was also appointed by Governor Brian Kemp to the Georgia State Properties Commission which has influence over the Savannah port.

    Jay Lin was also appointed to the Georgia Building Authority in November by Governor Kemp. The entity approved $5 million for GA state capital security in Oct 2020, prior to the election. The timing seems ominous.

    Lin describes himself as Taiwanese. However, he has no known history or support from this community according to sources. He aligns himself with Chinese groups in Georgia. Taiwanese groups in GA are split between those opposed to the CCP and those which support it, according to sources.

    Lin's Chinese Campaign manager Yale Xiao (nickname old money) is a democrat, for Andrew Yang. 'He is associated with groups that bring over people on investment visas from China,' a source described.

    On Sept 10, 2019  the Gwinnett Daily Post reported on a political event at Paragon Shopping Center in Duluth, Georgia. SOS. Raffensperger met with residents to show the new Dominion voting machines to be used in the 2020 elections.  Jay Lin introduced officials from the GA SOS office before representatives from the company gave a demonstration. 

    Raffensperger at the event said the new machines were more secure and could speed up the ballot casting process.

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    Double-headed Chicom snakes play both/ALL sides (Democrat & Republican).


    Wow...These people are everywhere

    Roger Fenton

    But WSB'S Eric Ericson tells us the machines were on the up and up. Fraud was so blatant that even a blind person could see it, but not Kemp or Rattenburger.


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