• How Fulton County, GA Will Attempt To Derail Coming Mail-In Ballot Scan Ordered By Court

    June 9, 2021
    Dekalb County, GA Is Throwing Away Ballots, Envelopes, Other Information Required To Be Retained By Law For 22 Months In Senate Runoff Race...Question Is, Why?

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    Election integrity advocates have made tremendous progress in pushing the Georgia court system to rule favorably on their demands for a forensic audit of mail-in ballots in Fulton County, GA, the epicenter of the massive election fraud during the 2020 general election and the subsequent U.S. Senate runoff on Jan 5th of this year.

    County worker Ruby Freeman famously was caught on surveillance camera scanning ballots multiple times in the middle of the night, after all GOP workers were told to leave. Analysts estimate 30-40k ballots were counterfeit.

    However, this GA audit progress may be for naught if Fulton County employees are allowed to engage in nefarious behavior to destroy accurate results of the coming ballot scan. The next hearing is scheduled on June 21st for Judge Amero in Henry County to rule on a path forward, after Fulton County shockingly hired criminal defense attorneys to stop the process.

    Judge Amero has ruled the process must be handled using county employees per his understanding of election law (a subject we will revisit in another article).

    CDMedia has spoken to several analysts who provided the following probable strategy by Fulton to 'screw up the process' and stop the plaintiffs in their tracks trying to uncover proof of obvious criminal activity.

    1 - Fulton County lied to the court regarding the size of the room available to scan the ballots per their communications to the court. Those involved in the proceeds told CDM the room provided by the county is 50% smaller than advertised, an obvious technique to harm facilitation of the audit and slow the results.

    2 - Expect the county to require 'time and half' overtime for the county employees involved to raise costs on the plaintiffs.

    3 - Expect the county to label the audits 'stressful activity' and therefore shorten the work day of county employees involved to 4 hours, there injecting serious delay into the process.

    4 - Expect the county to eventually label the process 'hazardous duty' and therefore require 2x pay for the work, again raising costs on the plaintiffs.

    5 - Expect the county to be negligent in providing instructions to the workers, therefore injecting more confusion and time delays into the process.

    The goal of the county in covering up criminal behavior will be to make the audit run out of time, and money to proceed.

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    John Acord

    Let's be serious! The ChiCom agents masquerading as Commiecrats have has 7 months to destroy, conceal,and manipulate the evidence. You can be certain the ChiComs dispatched their best agents to assist. The best that we can hope for is there will be evidence of destruction of evidence, but nothing conclusive to overturn the election results. When are we finally coming to the conclusion the ChiCom won the election and are not going to give up their coup. Only a Patriot uprising will stop their complete domination of our country.


    This article like so many I’ve read from all different sources makes me think, Why? Yes it’s informative but that’s the problem, every article we read is read by the garbage destroying our country and just like war they’re looking for any intelligence they can use. Like I said, it’s an informative article but why give the enemy a blueprint of how to cheat.


    when the audit is complete and the communist have been arrested, fulton county will be required to refund every taxpayer for the fraudulent election expenses, as well as the audit expenses. georgia is a corrupt cesspool from a to z.


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