• Eye Witness Account Of Probable Criminal Behavior By Happy Face Temp Employees (Financed By Stacey Abrams) During GA 2020 Election Cycle

    June 23, 2021
    Screenshot Happy Faces

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    CDMedia broke the news last week how the Happy Faces Personnel Group is financed by Now Account, of which Democrat operative Stacey Abrams is an owner. Happy Faces was heavily involved in working elections in GA during the 2020 general poll and U.S. Senate runoff. We also reported how Happy Faces has infiltrated all levels of the Georgia state government.

    Below is an eye witness account of probable criminal behavior by Happy Faces personnel during the 2020 U.S. general election in GA.


    CDMedia spoke with Fulton County, GA (Atlanta) resident Barbara Hartman at length recently regarding her experience as a poll watcher during the Nov 3rd election, and recount in Georgia.  Hartman has many years of experience working as an assistant manager and approximately 25 years as a manager of elections in Fulton County, Atlanta.

    She filed an affidavit after serving as a poll worker and then as an auditor for the November 3 election and observed mailed-in absentee ballots that had not been folded.  Mailed-in absentee ballots are folded, placed in an inner secrecy envelope, and that envelope is then placed in an outer envelope to be mailed.

    Hartman recounted a visit to a North Fulton early voting site on the last day of early voting last year, arriving with an official poll watcher badge.  Upon entering the poll, she was told by Sharon, the poll manager, that she had to stand by the door and was not allowed to move anywhere else in the poll. GA election code states that a poll watcher can go wherever the voting machines are located, just not watch a voter vote.  

    When Hartman asked the poll manager, Sharon,  how she handled surrendered absentee ballots which therefore allowed the voter to vote on the Ballot Marking Device, the poll manager refused to tell her (the surrendered ballot could possibly be used to record an additional illegal vote if not handled properly).

    At each of the other early voting precincts that Hartman poll watched, the managers explained how they handled the surrendered AB ballots.  They all handled them differently.  Some wrote spoiled on the envelope, others either handed the ballot back to the voter, dropped the AB ballot in a box, tore the AB ballot up, or wrote spoiled on the actual ballot.  They all did so using red ink pens which is unusual as red ink, she was told, could not be read by a scanner.  When questioned why red ink was used, she was told 'because that is what the managers were told to use'.

    When Hartman questioned Sharon the poll manager, again about the absentee ballot surrender, Sharon told her to leave, to get out of her poll.  Poll Managers have authority to call the police so Hartman did not argue.  Hartman returned later to vote and also as the official poll watcher to monitor the poll closeout.  She asked Sharon if the flash cards which contain all the information of votes for all candidates remained in the machines when the machines were taken to the World Congress Center or were they removed by the poll manager and taken to a Fulton County election facility.

    Rather than answer the question Sharon immediately stated, "I threw you out once and I’m throwing you out again."   Hartman removed her official badge and told Sharon that according to GA Election Code a citizen was allowed to observe poll closeout procedures.

    After repeated attempts to monitor as prescribed by law, Hartman was told to get out and Sharon quickly slammed and locked the door.

    Hartman then stood outside the window of the facility to view 'the closeout, which Sharon attempted to delay to force Hartman to leave. Hartman stood there for almost two hours.  

    The gentleman who had arrived to load the machines onto a truck and take the machines with all of the ballots to the World Congress Center, told Hartman the closeout would normally take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes.  Sharon took almost 2 hours.

    As the poll manager and two assistant managers left the poll , Hartman asked if Sharon 'had the SD cards' from the machines.  Sharon would not answer.  The cards however, as with all the ballots, are probably left in the machines to be transported to the World Congress Center.  

    All of the above election workers were Happy Faces employees and were not being monitored during voting, poll closeout, or ballot and flash card transport to the World Congress Center by any Fulton County Election official or Public Safety official.

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    American elections 'hood style. Intimidation much?? "Most free and fair elections ever." On what planet??

    D Barron

    Why are the Police not monitoring these apparent illegal operations? For anyone to hide, lie, secret, and dismiss official pole watchers is beyond comprehension. This is not only suspected fraud but borders on Treason. I wonder how Happy Face these people will be standing in front of a judge while being sentenced to 10 years in prison. If they turn on Stacy Abrams maybe he sentence can be reduced but they should be banned from any election working area for life.


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