BREAKING:  Emails Leaked After Election Show Fired Ambassador To Ukraine Yovanovitch Knew About Hunter Biden, Burisma Corruption
Marie Yovanovitch taking the oath before testifying in the impeachment inquiry against Donald J. Trump

This article was originally published on October 3, 2020

A leaked email exchange from the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, shows fired Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch worried about press concerning corruption involving Hunter Biden and Ukrainian gas holding company Burisma. Notorious State Department official Victoria Nuland was addressed on the email.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, and now Democratic Presidential Candidate, denied any credence to the corruption allegations regarding his son during the recent debate with President Trump.

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Ambassador Yovanovitch testified during the impeachment trial that she knew little about Burisma.

“Burisma wasn’t a big issue in the fall … of 2016, when I arrived,” she said, noting that the investigation and details surrounding its closure “happened before I arrived.”

"It was not a focus of what I was doing in that six-month period," she said.

Alexander Onyshchenko, the Ukrainian oligarch mentioned in the email, was later arrested on a Ukrainian Interpol warrant in Germany on his way to testify to DOJ in the U.S.against Biden, during the impeachment trial. Onyshchenko alleges he was poisoned while in prison in Germany, causing heart problems. He as released in May of 2020.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko asked for Joe Biden's help to silence Onyschenko. The audio tapes recording the conversation between Poroshenko and Biden are here.

You can read our over 70 articles on DNC/Biden family/State Department corruption in Ukraine here.

We wonder if Prosecutor Durham is looking into this. Is lying during an impeachment trial a crime?