• FLASHBACK: Imprisoned Ukrainian Oligarch Gives Specifics On Biden Corruption In Ukraine...Threats, Shakedowns, $$$

    June 19, 2022

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    During a recent Skype call from Oldenburg Prison, Germany, which took weeks to set up, and was cancelled and rescheduled multiple times, CDMedia spoke with Ukrainian oligarch Aleksander Onyshchenko from his jail cell.

    Onyshchenko famously fled Ukraine in the summer of 2016 after publishing corruption information on former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The Ukrainian General Prosecutor then put out an international warrant for Mr. Onyshchenko's arrest, also on corruption charges.

    Onyshchenko was arrested in November of 2019 while planning to travel to the United States to testify in the media during the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in favor of the president, and to outline to the American public the corruption of the Biden family, and the U.S. State Department in Ukraine.

    The arrest took place in Germany as Onyshchenko showed up for a subpoena in an unrelated court case. He remains in jail to this day, and according to his representatives, the German justice system has made no movement in his case.

    During the Skype call, Mr. Onyshchenko outlined multiple incidences of corruption committed by the Biden family while Vice President Biden was in office, and his son was working for the natural gas conglomerate Burisma in Ukraine.

    We have written multiple times regarding these cases as shown below, and we will release as series of articles on further disclosures, of which this is the first.

    Imprisoned Ukrainian Oligarch Gives Specifics On Biden Corruption In Ukraine...Threats, Shakedowns, $$$
    Aleksander Onyshchenko with former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoschenko

    BREAKING: Former Ukrainian MP Alleges Biden Family Received $12M Kickback From Transaction With Burisma Owner To Kill London Criminal Cases, Provides Details To DOJ

    This Is Why They Must Impeach: Ukrainian MP Says Burisma Financed Clinton Campaign With $10M Unmarked Cash, Biden Personally Prevented Money Laundering Witness From Entering USA

    BREAKING: Source Reveals Hunter Biden Took ‘Off The Books’ Payments From Burisma, Aided By FBI Coverup

    During the call, Onyshchenko told about one incident during the Obama administration involving Ukrainian natural gas company Kub Gas (Куб Газ). The entity at the time was owned by polish investor: Jan Kulczyk, who died on 29.07.2015.

    Mr. Onyshchenko declared that during Hunter Biden's time on the board of Burisma, where he was paid at one point millions of dollars for being the son of Vice President Biden, Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky wanted to acquire Kub Gas, for a much lower price than it was actually worth. The market value was approximately $70mm said Onyshchenko; however, Burisma sent Hunter Biden to Poland to shake down Kulczyk to sell the company for $30mm. Hunter Biden allegedly told Kulszyk that is he didn't sell, Kub Gas would be destroyed in Ukraine, with the help of his father, Vice President Biden, and President Poroshenko.

    Burisma acquired the company.

    Onyshchenko's representatives also provided information on his arrest, and the circumstances behind it. He believes he was arrested due to a Ukrainian request for his capture, to prevent him from testifying in the United States. Onyshchenko declared the Deep State Soros-controlled machine in Ukraine organized this effort.

    Below is a letter from One America News to the U.S. ambassador to Hungary requesting a visa be issued to Mr. Onyshchenko to travel to America to testify during the impeachment trial. Mr. Onyshchenko was denied a visa from other American embassies controlled by Deep State operatives. He was on his way to being issued a visa from the American embassy in Budapest at the time.

    Below is the subpoena to come as a witness in a German court case, unrelated to any case against Mr. Onyshchenko. He was arrested upon showing up for the subpoena.

    Below is the internal email from Prosecutor Bakker to the Lower Saxony judicial administration, in which she openly admits and states that she used and organized Onyshchenko's summons as a witness for questioning in a German criminal procedure to arrest him for the Ukrainian judiciary. That was the only reason why Onyshchenko flew from Spain to Germany that day.

    During the Skype call, Mr. Onyshchenko told of heart and blood pressure problems in prison and discussed his fear of being killed like Jeffrey Epstein, due to his knowledge of criminality involving the Bidens, the Clintons, and the American Deep State.

    CDMedia will be releasing more information soon.

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    El Toro

    The evil cancer that has spread throughout the corridors of power everywhere in the world...

    It must be opposed at all times.

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    This is and organized, white collar crime syndicate.


    This is only the tip of this particular iceberg. If it is investigated to it's conclusion it will bring in many more congress critters on both sides of the aisle. We know about Paul Pelosi Jr, and the Cofer Black-Mitt Romney involvement. There is a certain amount of evidence implicating McCain and Graham which explains why he is dragging h9s feet on an investigation in his committee. It will also open up the activity of the State Department ans USAID in the congressional money-laundering scam. Money goes out to foreign countries then a certain percentage of it comes back to Senators, Congress critters, and corruptocrats in the executive branch, while some is farmed out to Soros backed organizations, and the rest is sucked up by internal corruption in the host country.


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