• FLASHBACK: Former Ukrainian MP Alleges Biden Family Received $12M Kickback From Transaction With Burisma Owner To Kill London Criminal Cases, Provides Details To DOJ

    June 16, 2023
    Term sheet from sale of Ukrainian Port of Kherson in 2013

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    UPDATE: In further clarification of information provided, CD Media can now report that the $32M referenced below was sent to London, where it was seized by British officials and criminal charges were levied against Zlochevsky. Vice President Biden actively sought to have the charges thrown out in the United Kingdom for Zlochevsky in exchange for the $12M being diverted to Hunter Biden, according to Onyshchenko.

    Hunter Biden was then brought onto the board of directors at Zlochevsky's company Burisma and received further payments of $3.1M over a period of months.

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    KYIV -- Former Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko has provided CD Media with information on a transaction in 2013 where Biden family-related companies allegedly received a $12 million illegal kickback while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. Onyshchenko alleges the payment was made to gain Biden's influence in affairs of the group of companies called Burisma owned by Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, who sold a port facility in Ukraine and shifted partial proceeds of the sale to Hunter Biden. CD Media has already reported on 'off the books' payments to Hunter Biden by Burisma.

    Onyshchenko alleges that during the sale of the port of Kherson on the Dnepr River in Ukraine in 2013 for approximately $32M, Biden received $12M of that amount illegally.

    Former Ukrainian MP with former PM Yulia Tymoshenko

    Onyshchenko declared to CD Media that he is providing this information on the money flows to Biden to the U.S. Department of Justice. The overall details of the sale are shown in the document above.

    You can read CD Media's lengthy investigations on Ukrainian corruption here.


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    Nick D

    But God forbid we investigate this little scheme. That would be an impeachable offense. Apparently.

    Hardy S. E.

    Excellent work you’re doing. I can only hope our good leaders will see to it the proper investigations occur. Thanks for all you do.


    Lucky for the Bidens they aren't Republicans!

    Paul Castle

    Quite a few of the RINOS behaviour is no better , that is to say, they pretend to be Republicans but I've never seen any evidence of such .

    Paul Allen

    Time for tax-audit of all the Bidens.

    Paul Castle

    I doubt you'll ever see one while China Joe is wasting space in the W/H. and most of the media belongs to the Dems at the moment .

    z. little

    Is this just Onyshchenko's word or is there another source?


    We source everything at least twice. We have confirmed with other confidential sources in Kyiv and some public information we have released as well on the approximate $16mm in total payments to the Biden family.



    Ukraine, under Obama's regime had many, many little puppets who facilitated a lot of shady money dealings.
    NOW, I think we might see that Zelensky and some other players who want the clean up the corruption and dirty dealings, are going to do what they can to help us lift the fog and reveal who, what, where, when, how and why the Dems in Ukraine got away with so much-including election interference and help to Hilary.

    Tony Bell

    I would not be counting on Zelensky to expose the Bidens. He is in way to deep.

    Paul Castle

    And even more corrupt than them if you believe it is even possible .

    rickey ricardo

    Relax, Joe assured everyone he never spoke to Hunter about his Ukrainian business dealings. Hell, Joe doesn't even remember he has a son named Hunter, or that he was doing this same type of stuff with his brother. In fact, this would be a very convenient time for Joe to have himself committed for dementia.

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    […] BREAKING: Former Ukrainian MP Alleges Biden Family Received $12M Kickback From Transaction With Buri… […]

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    […] as a board member, among other payments. CDMedia has also previously released information that Joe Biden received payments from Burisma as […]

    […] has reported extensively on Biden family organized crime in Ukraine. We have posted documents and proof that millions of dollars in bribes were wired to Biden family-controlled […]

    […] we all know about the Burisma scandal, where Hunter Biden [and Joe] received millions of dollars from Ukrainian organized crime in a quid pro quo for Joe’s […]

    […] has reported extensively on Biden family organized crime in Ukraine. We have posted documents and proof that millions of dollars in bribes were wired to Biden family-controlled […]

    Paul Castle

    $12 million ? is that all I would have thought the Biden crime family would hold out for much more and anyway they have made millions more than that out of Ukraine , they know all the worst and most useful crooks there .


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