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    Member Directory

    October 26, 2021
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    Pete Blaber commanded at every level of one of the most elite counter-terrorist organizations in the world during most of recent history’s most significant military and political events (Panama, Colombia, Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq).In 2006 he retired from the military and transitioned from leading elite combat teams around the globe, to leading elite corporate teams for one of the world's largest and most innovative Biotechnology Companies.

    Peter Falkenberg Brown was the Chairman of the Gray Republican Committee in Gray, Maine for four years. He’s a writer, author, and public speaker. He publishes essays and hosts a video/podcast channel called “The FalkenBrown Show” (aka “Love, Freedom, & the World”) at his website: https://peterfalkenbergbrown.com. He’s written five books, with more on the way. His books include: a novel titled The Death and Life of Edward Wild: The Postmortem Adventures of a Modern Man; a book of essays called The Living Compass of Kindness and Compassionate Love: Essays on Love, Beauty, and the Mystical Path; and a volume of devotionals called The Mystical Love of God. He’s the author of an abstinence curriculum for young people called The True Love Thing to Do. He has written for The Epoch Times, American Essence Magazine, NewsWithViews and Lila Rose's Live Action News. Email him at: [email protected].

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”

    Jane Hampton Cook is an award-winning author of ten books and a screenwriter, national media commentator, and a former White House webmaster. Her passion is to inspire patriotism by bringing America’s exceptional history to life. Her book Stories of Faith & Courage from the Revolutionary War is a daily devotional that shows the sacrifices of those who lived loudly for liberty to secure America’s independence.

    Scott Sturman is an MD, USAFA Class of 72, and affiliated with STARRS.us, a non-profit fighting Critical Race Theory in the Department of Defense.

    Captain Brent Ramsey (ret.) served 30 years in the Navy and 23 years in Navy Civil Service. Among his assignments were Commanding Officer, Cargo Handling Battalion TWELVE, Executive Director, Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, and Mississippi Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer. He formerly served as Senior Advisor, Center for International Maritime Security, and was Member/Secretary of the Military Advisory Group for Congressman Mark Meadows (NC-11) for 4 years. He founded and led the Smoky Mountains Satellite, WNC MOAA for 5 years. He currently serves on the Board of Directors, Cincinnati MOAA and as Programs Chair. He has published on National Defense matters at Real Clear Defense, Center for International Maritime Security, National Defense, the United States Naval Institute Proceedings and the Association of the United States Navy.

    Ayad Rahim, a native of Iraq, worked as a journalist for 20 years, specializing in Iraq and the Arab world; he is a teacher, writer, and bookseller in Cleveland.

    Ayad blogs at theviewfromhereayad.blogspot.com

    Taylor Morales is a political activist and current student studying political science. She previously worked as part of Derrick Gibson’s campaign to challenge Andrew Cuomo for the Governorship in New York. Taylor is especially passionate about protecting and supporting our service members, as she has multiple family members who are in the military and the Police force.




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