• WHO: USA Next Epicenter Of Chinavirus

    March 24, 2020
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    What started in Wuhan is now Washington's problem as the Chinavirus pandemic cases starts to accelerate in communities throughout the United States of America. The efforts to "flatten the curve" by recommending a 15 day pause in normal daily life in the U.S. is not, as of yet, slowing the rate of infection. On Tuesday The World Health Organization claimed that America would likely become the epicenter of the world wide contagion. The COVID-19 cases around the globe stand at 400 thousand with just under 50 thousand in the USA.

    Made In China
    The WTO brought this to America

    Business activity in Western Europe, Australia, Japan and the U.S. has imploded due to clampdowns imposed by governments intended to slow the spread of disease. By some estimates almost a third of all U.S. workers are staying home and social distancing with disastrous effects on the service industries and small business. Someone is going to pay for all this economic disruption, but the question is WHO?

    The lockdown of Wuhan in Hubei province China started on January 23 and it was reported today that the CCP will lift restriction on the city by April 8. The virus first emerged in the city in late December and has killed more than 2,500 people there. Ten days before Wuhan was shut down to stop the spread of the illness the WHO infamously backed the claim by CCP health authorities that COVID-19 could not be spread by human to human contact. That erroneous information parroted by the World Health Organization and the repeated false assessments and bad recommendations by the UN body played a critical role in helping a regional outbreak become a global pandemic.

    The true epicenter of the Chinavirus is lifting social and business restrictions while the target of this viral pandemic is now declared its epicenter by the WHO. This is one of the most egregious acts of economic and cultural sabotage ever achieved in a 2 month time frame and, weather it was achieved through premeditated cunning or lazy stupidity, there will be a demand for compensation. The current estimates are that the U.S. will see a 7% hit in GDP depending on how long the 15 day pause is extended but nothing, including the Chinavirus pandemic, can last forever.


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