• Fauci Cries Corona Wolf...Wants American Economy To Die

    April 28, 2020
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    The Sky Is Falling! Stay Inside! Save Lives!

    Fauci Cries Corona Wolf...Wants American Economy To Die
    Clinton, shown here meeting long-time friends NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci (l) and NIH director Dr. Francis Collins, greets Hillary Clinton at the Clinical Center, November 2011

    Dr. Anthony Fauci is at it again. After previously calling businesses who were shut down by the government and the owners who lost their livelihoods 'inconvenienced' and record unemployment, the good doctor is now calling for lockdowns to continue which would ensure the near-term death of a large part of the American economy (and just maybe prevent the re-election of Donald Trump?).

    The United States “could be in for a bad fall” if researchers don’t find an effective treatment to fight the coronavirus by then, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said. The virus will certainly make a come back in the U.S. even as cases begin to stabilize, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said during an interview with The Economic Club of Washington, D.C., reported CNBC.

    Covid-19 is “not going to disappear from the planet,” he said, adding infectious disease experts are learning about how the virus behaves by watching emerging outbreaks in other countries such as Southern Africa that are starting to enter their colder seasons. “In my mind, it’s inevitable that we will have a return of the virus, or maybe even that it never went away,” he said.

    Fauci also warned against states reopening businesses prematurely, saying it could cause “a rebound to get us right back in the same boat that we were in a few weeks 

    One wonders if he is getting instructions directly from Obama, Soros, Hillary Clinton, Xi Jinping, or all of the above.



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    I want the President to get up at the podium and say, "You ain't got no problem, America. I'm on the motherfucker. Go back in there, chill out and wait for Dr. Fauci and his team of world experts on infectious disease, who should be coming to the podium directly." And then get out of the fucking way and let them talk.

    I'm going to trust Trump as a political leader who will create a task force of fucking scientific and medical experts who have spent their entire lives training and studying all the myriad nuances of this situation.

    All Trump had to do was put together a team of brilliant doctors and just shut the fuck up. He could still take credit. He could still claim his leadership organized all these people, and since they're scientists, they'd let the politician politic and take the credit. They're used to it, sadly.

    Instead this dumb sack of dogshit claims that all the doctors are amazed at how much he knows. Like a fucking five year old. Like that is seriously what five year olds say.

    Thankfully, as a glimmer of hope, most of the country is listening to the actual professionals instead of the ones screaming the loudest.

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