• Dr. David Martin Drops Bombshell: The FDA Has Only Approved A COVID-19 Vaccine That Does NOT Exist In U.S. Marketplace

    September 7, 2021
    REPORT: Chinese Researchers Developing Drug To Counter Vaccine Injuries...How Convenient
    Coronavirus binds to the ACE2 receptor of the epithelial cell
    Image by Alexey Solodovnikov

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    Dr. David Martin warned the public that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine that does not exist.

    “When members of the mainstream suggest that this approval has suddenly put what is sitting in freezers around the world into an approved status, that’s actually not true,” Martin said during his appearance on “Brighteon Conversations.”

    “There are still manufacturing guidelines that were not required for the EUA that would be required for a full-approved product...”

    To read more visit DreddyMd.

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    michael savell

    I think most of your readers knew this last week when the FDA original letter arrived with the usual confusing agenda.


    Let's try to not get bogged down in the details, shall we?

    Night Rider

    "Just shut up, take your death jabs, and the consequences be damned!" — Globalist Poiticians everywhere


    Word on the street is they are going to gather up all the "unvaccinated" and ship them to a island in the south pacific....kind of like what they did with the lepers. They`re the scourge of the earth I tell ya!!!! The sad part is there are people in our society that actually believe this should happen.

    Fauci lied....people died.


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