• Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release

    October 8, 2021
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    Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release
    Image by DonkeyHotey

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    Yes, we’ve heard all about Joe Biden’s alleged vaccine mandate for private companies employing 100 or more people. It was all over the news even before he announced it on September 9. His announcement has jeopardized the employment of millions of Americans and increased worker shortages in critical domains such as health care.

    There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.

    That’s why nearly two dozen Republican attorneys general who have publicly voiced their opposition to the clearly unconstitutional and illegal mandate haven’t yet filed suit against it, the Office of the Indiana Attorney General confirmed for me. There is no mandate to haul into court. And that may be part of the plan...

    To read more visit The Federalist.

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    Pursuant to article entitled, “Vaccine Mandates for Democrats is like Kool-Aid to Jim Jones” by Torrance Stephens, PhD on October 7th 2021 at https://torrancestephensphd.substack.com/p/vaccine-mandates-for-democrats-is, Executive Order 14043 was issued requiring federal employees to fully vaccinate against Covid-19 or face termination of their employment. Can't the State AGs haul this executive order into court..?


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