• Texas Gets Punished For Doing The Right Thing And Following The Science

    December 11, 2021

    In the US Covid has become a disease of the vaccinated

    Image by Mahanga

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    Guest post by Dr. Smith

    Tonight I worked an overnight ER shift in central Texas.  For the past week, admissions from the ERs have been difficult as the hospital beds have been filling up and hospitals have been going on diversion.  All week I have been asking if there was a surge of local covid I just wasn’t seeing.  I personally haven’t admitted a patient for covid disease in over 2 months.  I kept being told no it was just higher than normal non-covid disease.  Tonight I asked again for any clues as to why the hospitals were full.  I was told to look at the CDC Covid map and see that we were a low incidence region of Covid surrounded by red in the outlying states.  Consequently, the other states that have much higher Covid case rates have been desperate to find hospitals for their Covid patients so they have been shipping them to our corner of Texas to decompress their own medical systems.  Many patients are from Louisiana (Democrat governor).  I heard that and sat down in disbelief.  Moments later I recalled the following events of the past year in the US:

    2 March 2021 Texas Governor Abbott ends statewide mask mandate and allows Texas businesses to operate at full capacity

    3 March 2021 President Biden criticizes Abbott’s ‘big mistake’ and ‘Neanderthal thinking’

    28 October 2021 NAACP advises athletes to avoid signing with Texas teams due to Texas’ covid policy

    Early NOV 2021  I traveled to Florida for a large outdoor rock festival.  Before traveling I noted that Florida and Texas had the lowest incidences of covid in the nation.  Florida had opened for businesses as well and rejected mask mandates.

    10 Dec 2021 CDC website notes Florida and Texas have the lowest incidences of covid

    Pandemics end when either the disease is completely isolated, the entire population is vaccinated with a 100% effective vaccine, the population achieves herd immunity, and/or the virus mutates to less worrisome forms and becomes of no consequence.  We know the vaccine has been less effective against recent variants, namely the delta and omicron variants.  In fact most the early cases of Omicron in the US were exclusively in vaccinated patients.  

    The current CDC map tells it all. The states (almost all with Democrat governors) that persisted with lockdowns and a chief strategy of vaccines alone to end the pandemic now have much higher infection and death rates than the states that ‘opened for business’ long ago and thoughtfully allowed a mix of vaccination and herd immunity to protect more of its population.  In the US Covid has become a disease of the vaccinated.

    As of today (11 December 2021, day 18 of the Omicron variant), there have been 0 deaths globally reported by the WHO due to the Omicron variant.  Many liberal/blue states are once again going into mandate and lockdown mode.  The states with the most open society/freedoms have the least Covid now.  As punishment, their hospitals must absorb the Covid overload from the states that used fear and not science to guide policy.  Texans should be furious at the blue states and the President* for rejecting real science for fear mongering.  Now Texans are being denied hospital beds and are stuck in ERs hoping the hospital beds will open up soon as they are being taken by Covid patients from fearmongering regions.

    President Biden, NAACP leadership – Texas is using science.  You are the one with ‘Neanderthal’ thinking

    Penned under pseudonym due to US Medical organizations trending towards censoring physiciansThis letter is the opinion of the author and does not represent the stance of any organizations or corporations

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    Wondering what the hospitals in the recent tornado disaster will be doing if they have been physically damaged.


    The reason hospitals are being over run with non-covid patients is that the vaccines attack the immune system, so as to allow infections to be contracted more easily, and even allow conditions in remission to return. Several studies have confirmed this but it is not supportive of the big pharmaceutical companies’ narrative. So, it is just a conspiracy theory, no matter how many studies confirm or how full the hospitals get.


    Big Pharma(like Big Tech) must be broken up and COMPLETELY dismantled. Joe Biden must die. The democrats here in the US are the primary enemy of the country.

    Ray Cane

    Dr. Zelenko recently did a piece saying that the spike protein causes AIDS; the Red Cross won't accept your blood (plasma) if you've been jabbed because it will be antibody poor. FEMA has set up the equivalent of concentration camps for the unjabbed in Western Washington state, which has never come out of lockdown since March 2020. Their governor should be executed. the scope of this fraud is so huge it is hard to wrap your arms around. Pfizer knew there were 1200 jab-related deaths by the end of February, 2020, along with thousands of SERIOUS side effects. This week, the FDA announced that the Pfizer data will not be released for 75 years instead of 55. Why the blackout? Remember, that a recent head of the FDA was an ex-Pfizer Executive. Why not make John Gotti Chief of Police?


    Biden is a longtime crook, pedophile, and race supremacist who has zero business trying to control the lives of the citizenry while knowingly affiliating himself with the mass-murderer Fauci Mengele who, btw, has a very long history of genocide, particularly where it concerns children and those among them who were dark-skin. No different from present day and simply continues.

    Kevin Todds

    The only 'omicron variant' which exists is a 'scare-iant'. The bs being marketed by collaborators to further enrich themselves has zero tests, zero samples, zero credibility, and zero validation all orchestrated by society's lowlifes. Nothing but a major scam being pushed as a fear-factor tool by known scammers and thieves. Go on about your business and ignore the fiends.

    Alej Marcos

    100% correct on all counts.

    Alej Marcos

    That was a reply to davedutchess... this site needs a little format work.


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