• Be Very Afraid Of Future Flu Vaccines

    December 3, 2022
    Be Very Afraid Of Future Flu Vaccines
    Image by Whoisjohngalt

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    On 25 November 2022, researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania announced that initial tests showed effectiveness of a new mRNA-based flu vaccine.  In the initial testing, a new mRNA vaccine that is touted to cover all 20 known strains of influenza, was injected into lab animals and showed antibody responses.  The study, led by Dr Scott Hensley, was coordinated with Dr Drew Weissman, a physician researcher who helped bring the controversial COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to fruition and ultimately utilization globally.

    The research team at University of Pennsylvania is hopeful that future human clinical trials will elicit a similar response.  Their goal is to substitute the new mRNA for the current flu vaccines and target all age groups including young children.

    This development is problematic on many levels.  First, mRNA technology is new and the long-term effects are unknown.  Pfizer tried to suppress reports of complications and deaths and was thwarted in early 2022 by a federal judge.  In late 2022, Pfizer was forced to acknowledge that the vaccine causes problematic inflammation that can cause medical problems in the heart and other organs.  They finally announced recently that they were conducting research into myocarditis from their mRNA vaccine.

    Second, it is highly likely that the intent of this trial is to find yet another pathway to force the COVID-19 vaccine and its mRNA vaccine technology onto others.  This trial was sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  This is the same organization headed by Dr Anthony Fauci, the very same medical leader that has repeatedly lied to Congress about the mRNA vaccines and manipulated research trials on COVID-19 drugs so that results were favorable enough to secure Emergency Use Authorization and therefore profits for large US drug corporations.  By creating a flu vaccine based on mRNA technology, it is not difficult to see the FDA eliminating the older, much safer vaccine so that the new mRNA vaccine is the only one available for Americans.  Further, it is not too far fetched to see this vehicle for flu vaccines to be combined with the COVID-19 vaccine in some hybrid vaccine that will then be mandatory for large segments of our population, including children via CDC childhood immunization schedules.  

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    The federal government’s health agencies are relentless in their drive to force mRNA technology and other COVID-19 mandates onto the American people.  Last month, the Department of Health and Human Services released a report recommending a return to mask mandates, social distancing, and other COVID-19 control measures to protect Americans who have long-covid.  COVID-19 infections are becoming rarer and deaths are now nearly non-existent, but the health entities that accumulated so much power at the height of the ‘pandemic’ appear to be repeatedly attempting to find ways to re-instate the societal control measures.

    mRNA may be perfected in the future.  At the present time it is not and the science is very far from settled on its safety and even efficacy in the face of viruses that have plagued humanity for thousands of years.  Americans should watch for future research into mRNA that is being done for non-COVID-19 applicationsand push back against further mRNA medical misadventures until the technology is proven to be safe.  Until medical censorship ends, social media’s cancel culture is elimated, informed consent for patients is legal again, and medical executive lying and deception end, Americans should be wary of mRNA technology.

    John Hughes, MD

    Emergency Physician

    Combat Veteran

    Member of www.starrs.us

    1 https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2022/november/penn-develops-mrna-flu-vaccine


    John Hughes

    Emergency Physician. United States Military Academy Class of 1996. #1 graduate. 3rd Generation West Pointer. 4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. www.americandoctor.org Member of STARRS.US & MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates.
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    The new mRNA flu vax operates as does the CV-19 vax. However, in this iteration, it hijacks the cell (ANY cell) to produce the Influenza Hemagglutinin protein (which resembles the old Spike Protein) to present on the surface of that cell for the immune system to destroy that cell. The predictable results will be the same widespread patient damage and death.

    Charlie Main Line

    I have never had a flu vaccine and funnily enough never had flu as far as I remember.


    I wouldn't be surprised to learn that under Fauci, they are already sneaking these shots out into the public. He has been caught lying and can not be trusted. He also has been working too close to Gates, who has openly discussed controlling the population through vaccines.


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