• Chinese Dragon Pokes Indian Tiger

    May 12, 2020
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    Today the Hindustan Times reports: ”After the scuffle between the Chinese People’s Liberation Army troops and Indian troops along the LAC in North Sikkim which led to injuries on both sides, China appears to be continuing on the path of belligerence towards India, this time along the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh.

    In what appears to be a multi-front deliberate ploy by China to keep India on its toes, the Indian Air Force was forced to rush its fighter jet patrols in Ladakh after Chinese military choppers were found to be flying close to the Line of Actual Control. This incident happened last week, around the same time the PLA troops and Indian army forces came to blows in the upper reaches of North Sikkim.“

    On Monday Disneyland in Shanghai, China reopened the doors and saw crowds walking the amusement park for the first time in months. The CCP is reopening stores, businesses, schools and every other aspect of life. Wuhan high schools opened last week and the country claims to have managed the spread of the Chinavirus (COVID-19). The national effort to test the people has been hampered by health care centralization, lack of testing kits and erroneous testing results, but the government reopened the country regardless of public safety risk.


    When asked about “reopening” trade negotiations with China President Trump said, "No, not at all. Not even a little bit. I'm not interested. We signed a deal. I had heard that too, they'd like to reopen the trade talk, to make it a better deal for them." This answer seemed to anger CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang who questioned Trump on is boasting of US Chinavirus testing capacity which happens to be the best in the world. Jiang sneered, "Why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives and we're still seeing more cases every day?"

    "Well, they're losing their lives everywhere in the world. And maybe that's a question you should ask China," Trump replied. "Don't ask me, ask China that question, OK. When you ask them that question, you may get a very unusual answer." 

    If Weijia had the courage to ask this question the “very unusual answer” she would get is that China isn’t waiting for their testing capacity to increase before the country reopens. The CCP is lying about testing just like they’ve lied about everything about this Chinavirus since it first started to spread around their Wuhan infectious disease lab in November of last year. Let the rest of the world wring their hands about testing and social distancing to sabotage their economies and isolate their people, but China is open for business and trying to take advantage of conditions they created by hiding this virus.

    President Trump and his administration knows that China is coordinating with business leaders and politicians who are antagonistic to the MAGA movement and realignment with America’s trading partners. The CDC dropped the Chinavirus hammer on Feb. 25, after months of downplaying the threat, while Trump was visiting Prime Minster Modi in India and building a stronger military and trading relationship between the two countries. Maybe Weijia Jiang should ask China what they think of a US partnership with India? The truth is, she probably already knows the answer.

    The Hindustan Times article referenced above concludes with this observation: “Ever since the outbreak of Covid-19, Chinese President Xi Jinping is under immense pressure to increase transparency in his country and reveal the real origin of the virus, which some have speculated emanated from a lab in China’s Wuhan. Trade wars with countries like USA and Australia have intensified and most multi-national companies have actively begun looking for manufacturing alternative,India being one such preferred destination.”



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