• SOURCE: Taliban Death Squad Posing As Western NGO In Afghanistan Is Executing American Allies Who Contact Them For Help

    November 6, 2021
    Image by Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)

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    A trusted source has informed CDMedia that a Taliban/Haqqani Network death squad is posing as a Western NGO in Afghanistan, luring American allies to their death.

    The group is said to have fluent English speakers and are advertising they can get those who helped the American armed forces out of Afghanistan.

    Once the unsuspecting Afghans arrive, they are executed. Four women have recently been killed in the manner, according to the source, in Mazar.

    The advertising declares the group is an NGO who save lives of activists, journalists, lawyers and so on... evacuating them out from Afghanistan.

    The Biden administration recently admitted thousands of Americans are trapped in-country. The State Department is working against U.S. veteran groups trying desperately to exfiltrate their trusted colleagues from danger.

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    Brett M Short

    War criminal pedo lyin' Biden needs removal from the WH along with the rest of the trash! This fucking idiot is an embarrassment to the American people and very weak intellectually and physically. Biden is nothing but a self-serving pussy-boy. Somebody PLEASE REMOVE this asshole and get our people out of Afghanistan. The Taliban needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.


    Agreed that scratch-n-sniff joe (and most of the congress) need to be removed from power. But, by whom?

    The Joint Chiefs are a woke, corrupt laughing stock. Law enforcement and the judiciary are largely infected by corruption and far-left extremist ideology. This whole vertically-integrated clusterphuck regime running our country has morphed into something the founding fathers would not recognize.

    Perhaps it's time for a clean sweep?

    Walkin O'Shea

    Just another crime to add to Joe Biden and his handler's CV. May their consciences never be at peace.

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