• BANNED From Leaving China

    May 24, 2022
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    China's lockdowns are making people want to leave, but that doesn't exactly make the CCP look good. So it's come up with a solution: ban people from leaving the country. In this episode of China Uncensored, we look at who's trying to leave the country, how the CCP is stopping them, and whether these lockdowns spell the end of the CCP, writes China Uncensored.

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    Joe Biden has done/is doing the same with Americans by using forced lockdowns and high gas prices. For the past two years the mega-corrupt grasping Biden has been using Commie China's handbook to prevent Americans from fleeing the now-putrid nation. The USA will never be restored to its former glory unless Biden and collaborators are kicked mercilessly into the next ozone layer. There are more of us than there are of THEM.


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