• Why Is Everything In China Falling Apart?

    May 24, 2024
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    Another highway collapsed in China, killing dozens. China's tofu dregs construction is becoming more of a problem so the lenghs the CCP goes to cover it up are also getting more extreme.

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    It's WAY worse than that! I saw a recent docu that showed the ORIGINAL 1989 Samsung/Hitachi/LG and others, factories, these places ARE THE SIZE OF US COUNTIES!!!! With bult-in "communities"...these places are GHOST TOWNS now.
    It's INSANE, if it's a "problem" in the west, it's a DISASTER in the thurd world.....
    This is WHY it took >eight weeks to order very custom cables for "tech" work (ironically ALL US based names of industries like Hubbell and Belden, employing rhodium plating and such)


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