• Globalist 3M Caught Sending Desperately Needed Masks Overseas

    April 3, 2020
    Globalist 3M Caught Sending Desperately Needed Masks Overseas
    Image by Pablo Jarrín

    If there was ever a moment that captured why President Trump was elected president of the United States, the discovery of American manufacturing giant 3M shipping masks overseas, at the expense of American first responders, and in some cases seeing the personal protective equipment shipped back to the U.S. at orders of magnitude higher prices, is this moment.

    American corporations have long before taken their 30 piece of globalist silver; now the chickens are coming home to roost. In this case, you had Chinese brokers showing up at 3M plants in the United States and offering cash to outbid local government contracts and ship the masks offshore.

    The CEO of 3M, Mike Roman, went on CNBC this morning to wail about how 'despicable and horrible' it all was. We don't know the man, but we suspect a simple 'we're sorry' would have gone over much better than the wailing and gnashing of teeth over those other 'despicable' people.

    3M went so far as to even threaten the President of the United States, who yesterday invoked the Defense Production Act to stop 3M from exporting masks produced here in America.

    In a statement Friday morning, 3M said the Trump administration “also requested that 3M cease exporting respirators that we currently manufacture in the United States to the Canadian and Latin American markets,” reported CNBC

    But “there are, however, significant humanitarian implications of ceasing respirator supplies” to health care workers in those markets, where 3M is a “critical supplier of respirators,” the company said.

    “In addition, ceasing all export of respirators produced in the United States would likely cause other countries to retaliate and do the same, as some have already done,” 3M added. “If that were to occur, the net number of respirators being made available to the United States would actually decrease.”

    “That is the opposite of what we and the Administration, on behalf of the American people, both seek.”


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    3m=$$$ rats


    The greed of the CEO's transcends the care of Americans.

    Jan in NH

    Mustn't pizz off China or they won't export any more of their diseases.


    shame on 3M. Get the hell out of America, you chinese ***tch.


    I checked Lowe's, Home Depot and u-line yesterday and they all said no masks until May.
    We won't forget this 3M.
    Having said that, this is so over blown.

    richard Overton

    So overblown? Just how many Americans will be infected because 3M is selling all it's product at sky high profits to foreign governments.These activities are criminal and we can only hope that there will be huge fines and imprisonment for this.


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