• UPDATE: Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP Misinformation, US Pressure

    June 1, 2020

    Update, 6/1/2020:

    On April 1, CDMedia exclusively reported that U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson planned to withdraw from plans to allow Chinese tech giant Huawei to build up to 35% of the U.K.'s nationwide 5G cellular network. A week later, Johnson was sidelined with a serious case of COVID-19. Now recovered, his plans to withdraw are back on the table at 10 Downing Street.

    Over the past week, events have changed to endanger the compromise. New U.S. sanctions that prohibit the use of American-designed chips in Chinese technology have renewed calls from British conservatives to abandon Huawei altogether. As reported by the Daily Signal:

    The Daily Telegraph newspaper in London reported last week that “the Prime Minister has instructed officials to draw up plans that would see China’s involvement in the U.K.’s 5G network reduced to zero” in the face of strong opposition from Parliament and the Trump administration.

    That’s a complete reversal of the British government’s decision back in January to allow Huawei a 35% stake in the development of the U.K.’s 5G infrastructure.

    Plans to cut China out of 5G infrastructure come ahead of June G7 meetings where other member countries share in skepticism over China following the COVID-19 pandemic. One topic that is sure to play into the multi-nation summit: an alliance among G-7 countries plus Australia, South Korea, and India--to build an independent 5G network.

    The Times of London revealed Friday that “Britain is seeking to forge an alliance of [10] democracies to create alternative suppliers of 5G equipment and other technologies to avoid relying on China. … The government has approached Washington about a ‘D10’ club of democratic partners, based on the [Group of Seven] plus Australia, South Korea, and India.”

    These are hugely welcome developments ahead of the planned G7 summit of world leaders at the White House, expected to be held at the end of June, as governments across the world adopt an increasingly tough stance toward China in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The original story appears below.


    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson washes his hands of it. Image: YouTube

    UPDATE — April, 8 2020: Nigel Farage reported that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, stricken with COVID-19, is in "really bad shape."

    ORIGINAL STORY — CDMedia has heard from two sources close to the matter that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will cancel the UK's contract for 5G wireless service from the Chinese conglomerate Huawei. The move is a stunning reversal of fortune for Huawei, the flagship nationalized vehicle for advancing the CCP's soft power in the West.

    The implications are fraught for any sovereign country that agrees to contract with Huawei for 5G. The Chinese Communist Party is the de facto owner of the tech giant, and the CCP makes no secret of its plans for global domination. Given China's history of intellectual and technological theft, agreeing to let them play host to all the online information of any nation is dicey enough on its face.

    Behind the scenes, Johnson is said to be furious with China for a number of reasons, not least of which is his own positive test result for COVID-19 on March 27. Further complicating matters, a recent shipment of test kits bound for the UK were found to be contaminated with coronavirus.

    In other words, take the test and get infected.

    The test kits were assembled in Luxembourg by food safety and laboratory testing services firm Eurofins. The infected elements are "probes and primers," the long, thin swabs that medical personnel use to collect samples from the nasal and oral cavities.

    Eurofins claims the infected elements were "supplied by other countries". This is the kind of diplomatic language that sounds like a dogwhistle to ears attuned to China's role in the spread of the virus. The infamously politically correct British authorities aren't pushing the matter.

    The question is clear: how does a coronavirus test become infected with...the coronavirus? Why is this not the headline in every newspaper right now? Who is responsible for potentially infecting scores of Britons?

    Taken together with videos making the Twitter rounds today (a Chinese-American woman hoarding face masks in Florida, and a Chinese worker wiping new face masks on his shoes before they ship), a pattern has formed.


    On a grander scale, Johnson is angry with China for delaying their reporting on the spread of the virus at the outset, and misrepresenting the number of Chinese infected and killed by the virus. New intelligence from Chinese crematoriums suggest that fatalities are 15 to 40 times higher than the figures provided by the CCP (81,554 infected, 3,312 deaths).

    Worse still, the UK has been one of the least aggressive countries in testing for coronavirus thus far. Recent calls from political opposition to ramp up efforts have gained public support, and now Johnson is portrayed in the liberal press as having slept on the job. This setback only strengthens that narrative.

    Bad news abounds for Johnson. Per the Daily Mail:

    • The UK death toll soared to 1,019 – up 260 in 24 hours, including the first surgeon to die from Covid-19;
    • NHS medical chief Stephen Powis said ‘every one of us has a part to play’ if deaths were to be kept below 20,000;
    • As No 10 released pictures of Mr Johnson at work, a poll found Chancellor Rishi Sunak is the voters’ favourite to be interim Prime Minister if Mr Johnson cannot perform his duties;
    • Tracking by this newspaper suggested the virus sweeping Whitehall may have originated with the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier;
    • The first images emerged from inside London’s ExCel Centre as it is being transformed into a 4,000-bed makeshift hospital;
    • Deaths across Europe exceeded 20,000, with Italy suffering 10,023 fatalities and Spain seeing its biggest daily rise of 889 to reach 5,690;
    • Global infections hit 600,000;
    • Ministers were considering using the RAF to airlift Britons stranded abroad after Opposition pressure;
    • A front line NHS doctor gave a harrowing account to this newspaper about how medics are having to ‘play God’ due to equipment shortages;
    • Amid fear of more domestic abuse cases, Home Secretary Priti Patel warned culprits they would be ‘brought to justice’;
    • Police risked fresh claims of snooping by tracking motorists’ cars to check how far they have travelled;
    • Panic buyers provoked anger by throwing away excess food – some of it unopened;
    • US President Donald Trump suggested he may try to put New York in quarantine;
    • Wuhan, the Chinese epicentre of the crisis, partially reopened after more than two months in isolation;

    To add insult to injury, a story has been circulating on Weibo, the Chinese messaging app, that the virus originated in Italy in November. The stunning campaign of disinformation from China only worsens.

    First it was US soldiers, now it's Italy, a country that went out of its way to fight racism against the Chinese at the beginning of the outbreak by creating a public relations campaign called "Hug a Chinese." As Italy, and now the UK have learned, political correctness can be deadly when dealing with the CCP.

    Eurofins, the manufacturer of the COVID-19 tests, claims that the probes and primers can be cleaned and segregated, but the process will further delay testing.

    It remains to be seen how many subjects of the crown will be eager to line up to be tested with a kit that was once contaminated with the virus itself.


    Court Anderson

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    When this pandemic is over the majority of manufacturing will continue in China. Not because it's the right choice but because the energy and costs to startup elsewhere will be excessively expensive. Call it greed or bottomline business practices. Either way memories will be short and profits will rule the day.

    Wile E.

    Simply astounding how in the UK and the US there are people so vile, so contemptuous, that they would use the one medium supposed to keep sanity and inform on actual facts and events that they would lie, falsify and corrupt info in such a way as to damage peoples beliefs in the system and how hard millions are working to keep them safe at such a time, because they don't like or agree with someone.
    Imagine how many lives were saved by the dedication of people to verify before use of the test kits, yest all fake media can do it point to their leader and assign blame.
    In my mind its at a time like this when if they want to politicize, then they should be shut down for the duration. Freedom of speech be damned for them. They abused the right to the detriment of others.


    And the UK dodges a huge national security bullet.

    Ben H

    "In other words, take the test and get infected." - WTF man... Hyperbole much? No... nobody other than the paranoid author thinks this. No one. Traces of the virus on some of the test kits does NOT mean you get infected.

    "how does a coronavirus test become infected with…the coronavirus?" - Simple supply chain logistics. In the same way this author eats trace amounts of bacteria in his avocado toast, from the mexican farmer who scratched his junk, or the truck driver that sneezed, that's how. It's easy and expected, which is why they tested the test kits to be sure. There's a process in place which any scientific lab follows.

    "Why is this not the headline in every newspaper right now?" - Because it's NOT big news, unless your an alarmist author, sitting in the armchair of the your New York City apartment, browsing the internet looking for something to get your heartbeat going.

    "Who is responsible for potentially infecting scores of Britons?" - I hope your not insinuating this is intentional, because that would be over the top, even for this tabloid web site. If that's not what you are suggesting, then you already answered the question: Eurofins - That is their job, to prevent the infection of scored of Britons by NOT letting contaminated goods into the market.

    "Taken together with videos making the Twitter rounds today..." - And... there it is. Your primary and only source is Twitter. The previous links provided hint at no such risk of contamination. I'm just going to stop here because... twitter.

    Maybe the Author should quit this job and become a train driver in California, I hear they're hiring....

    phill pritchard

    Ben H. You cant trust the main stream media either . its all propaganda ,they only tell you what they want you to know.


    Ben H. We think it is humorous that you avoided the main crux of the story, which is the Chinese disinformation op against the West regarding the virus. But hey, it seems that maybe some readers have an agenda? And just so you know, our sources for the article are not from Twitter, but from high level government contacts.

    And as for your comment on the mainstream press, well, we think their fondness for the Beijing organ harvesters is legendary. Cheerio.


    Wile. E. Such a comment, yes shoot the messenger if you don't like the message. Classic. You MUST be a Remainer! In a few words, you have brilliantly encapsulated the reason for CDMedia's existence -- to destroy the corrupt media with truth.


    I have found all the economist take the opportunities to bad mouth China so they can keep their capitalism income. It’s a interesting sociology phenomenon. Just because you can read doesn’t mean you have the truth.


    S. Such good English! Wonder where you are from?

    Darren Taylor

    Darren Taylor


    I don't believe a THING this news outlet says. Not A Thing.


    Liars. Fake news. China must pay. China must fall


    Just a quick question what do you think about the 5g stories that are currently flying about thx g

    […] PM Boris Johnson is said to have decided to pull out of the 5G contract with Chinese firm Huawei. It has been reported that the British PM came to the decision after he was furious about a recent […]

    […] थी। इसके अलावा बोरिस और भी कई चीजों को लेकर चीन से चिढ़े हुए हैं। ऐसे में यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा कि इस […]


    I don't trust anything from China even this 5G its possible can be the cause of coronavirus. If Britain found that the shipment were tested positive coronavirus what could be their next step since the virus brutalized the country.

    […] थी। इसके अलावा बोरिस और भी कई चीजों को लेकर चीन से चिढ़े हुए हैं। ऐसे में यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा कि इस […]

    […] Chinese company be allowed a role in the United Kingdom’s vital infrastructure. It has also been reported that the UK will cancel its contract for 5G wireless service from the Chinese 5G leader […]

    […] British PM Boris Johnson is said to have decided to pull out of the 5G contract with Chinese firm Huawei. “It has been reported that the British PM came to the decision after he was furious about a […]

    […] British PM Boris Johnson is said to have decided to pull out of the 5G contract with Chinese firm Huawei. “It has been reported that the British PM came to the decision after he was furious about a […]

    […] British PM Boris Johnson is said to have decided to pull out of the 5G contract with Chinese firm Huawei. “It has been reported that the British PM came to the decision after he was furious about a […]

    […] British PM Boris Johnson is said to have decided to pull out of the 5G contract with Chinese firm Huawei. “It has been reported that the British PM came to the decision after he was furious about a […]

    […] PM Boris Johnson is said to have decided to pull out of the 5G contract with Chinese firm Huawei. It has been reported that the British PM came to the decision after he was furious about a recent […]

    […] PM Boris Johnson is said to have decided to pull out of the 5G contract with Chinese firm Huawei. It has been reported that the British PM came to the decision after he was furious about a recent […]

    Timote Onada

    Lies, exaggerations, and misleading innuendo. Author is a fake news specialist. Graduate of Columbia, worked in finance? What a laugh. You're a dangerous con artist. At least when mainstream media posts something that causes harm, they can be identified and sued to pay big bucks. When these charlatans do it, its hard to find them much less bring them to task for the damage they cause. If you agree with this fraud its because he's only echoing what you want to hear not because you did a simple research to verify his claims.

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    […] LONDON-(MaraviPost)-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is said to have decided to pull out of the 5G contract with Chinese firm Huawei. […]

    […] et est faux. Le site internet Organiser.org a pris au sérieux un article « réel » du média CreativeDestructionMedia.com, alors qu’il a été rédigé le 1er avril. Un fait qui nous a échappé lors de la […]

    […] Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP Misinformation CDMedia has heard from two sources close to the matter that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will cancel the UK’s contract for 5G wireless service from the Chinese conglomerate Huawei. The move is a stunning reversal of fortune for Huawei, the flagship nationalized vehicle for advancing the CCP’s soft power in the West. […]

    […] Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP Misinformation - CD MediaOur sources say … […]

    […] (日本語訳)https://www.visiontimesjp.com/?p=5170 (原文)https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/business/2020/04/01/boris-johnson-to-pull-out-of-huawei-5g… […]

    […] (日本語訳)https://www.visiontimesjp.com/?p=5170 (原文)https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/business/2020/04/01/boris-johnson-to-pull-out-of-huawei-5g… […]

    […] (日本語訳)https://www.visiontimesjp.com/?p=5170 (原文)https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/business/2020/04/01/boris-johnson-to-pull-out-of-huawei-5g… […]

    […] Chinese company be allowed a role in the United Kingdom’s vital infrastructure. It has also been reported that the UK will cancel its contract for 5G wireless service from the Chinese 5G leader […]

    […]  ところで4月1日でCDmediaというネットメディアが「Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP Misinformation」との見出しで新型コロナウィルスに関する中国の誤った情報に怒ったボリス・ジョンソン英首相が中国の大手通信機器メーカー、ファーウェイ・テクノロジーズ(華為)との契約を破棄するかのような記事を掲載した。この記事の中でユーロフィンの検査キットが新型コロナウィルスに汚染されていたことも伝えているのだが、「ユーロフィンは、『汚染したプローブとプライマーは他の国から供給された』と主張している」とThe Telegraphの記事にはない情報も報じている。この一文にはリンクが張ってあり、リンク先はREPUBRIC WORLDというインドのメディアのニュースサイトの4月1日付け記事「Coronavirus Test Kits To UK Found Contaminated With Virus(イギリス向けのコロナウィルス検査キットが汚染していたことが判明)」となっている。文章にリンクが張ってある場合、その文章の根拠や引用元の記事を示すためにリンクを張るのが一般的だが、CDmediaの記事のリンク先記事にはユーロフィンが「汚染したプローブとプライマーは他の国から供給された」と主張していることを示すものはなく、REPUBRIC WORLDの記事へなぜリンクが張られているのかよくわからない。 […]

    […] ところで4月1日付けでCDmediaというネットメディアが「Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP Misinformation」との見出しで新型コロナウィルスに関する中国の誤った情報に怒ったボリス・ジョンソン英首相が中国の大手通信機器メーカー、ファーウェイ・テクノロジーズ(華為)との契約を破棄するかのような記事を掲載した。この記事の中でユーロフィンの検査キットが新型コロナウィルスに汚染されていたことも伝えているのだが、「ユーロフィンは、『汚染したプローブとプライマーは他の国から供給された』と主張している」とThe Telegraphの記事にはない情報も報じている。この一文にはリンクが張ってあり、リンク先はREPUBRIC WORLDというインドのメディアのニュースサイトの4月1日付け記事「Coronavirus Test Kits To UK Found Contaminated With Virus(イギリス向けのコロナウィルス検査キットが汚染していたことが判明)」となっている。文章にリンクが張ってある場合、その文章の根拠や引用元の記事を示すためにリンクを張るのが一般的だが、CDmediaの記事のリンク先記事にはユーロフィンが「汚染したプローブとプライマーは他の国から供給された」と主張していることを示すものはなく、REPUBRIC WORLDの記事へなぜリンクが張られているのかよくわからない。 […]

    […] ところで4月1日付けでCDmediaというネットメディアが「Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP Misinformation」との見出しで新型コロナウィルスに関する中国の誤った情報に怒ったボリス・ジョンソン英首相が中国の大手通信機器メーカー、ファーウェイ・テクノロジーズ(華為)との契約を破棄するかのような記事を掲載した。この記事の中でユーロフィンの検査キットが新型コロナウィルスに汚染されていたことも伝えているのだが、「ユーロフィンは、『汚染したプローブとプライマーは他の国から供給された』と主張している」とThe Telegraphの記事にはない情報も報じている。この一文にはリンクが貼ってあり、リンク先はREPUBRIC WORLDというインドのメディアのニュースサイトの4月1日付け記事「Coronavirus Test Kits To UK Found Contaminated With Virus(イギリス向けのコロナウィルス検査キットが汚染していたことが判明)」となっている。文章にリンクを貼る場合、その文章の根拠や引用元の記事を示すためにリンクを貼るのが一般的だが、CDmediaの記事のリンク先記事にはユーロフィンが「汚染したプローブとプライマーは他の国から供給された」と主張していることを示すものはなく、REPUBRIC WORLDの記事へなぜリンクが貼られているのかよくわからない。 […]

    […] (日本語訳)https://www.visiontimesjp.com/?p=5170 (原文)https://creativedestructionmedia.com/news/business/2020/04/01/boris-johnson-to-pull-out-of-huawei-5g… […]


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