• DOJ Filing Anti-Trust Lawsuit Against Google

    October 20, 2020
    DOJ Filing Anti-Trust Lawsuit Against Google

    Earlier in the week, President Trump mentioned the Wall Street Journal was 'working on a big story with big-tech. Now we know what that story is. The Department of Justice is holding a news conference this morning at 0945 est where it will announce it has filed a lawsuit in Washington, D.C. against Google for anti-trust.

    Google has long attracted criticism of its monopolistic behavior in internet search and search advertising.

    Yesterday, Project Veritas released eye-witness evidence that Google was manipulating search results to ensure Donald Trump is defeated in the presidential election in November. The Silicon Valley giant controls 80% of internet search activity.


    According to details of the suit leaked to WSJ - details that have been previously outlined during leaks about the investigation when that was still ongoing - Google is being accused of maintaining its status as 'gatekeeper to the internet' via an unlawful web of exclusionary and interlocking deals that effectively shut out competitors. These deals include all the money Google pays to phone manufacturers, carriers and makers of browsers like Apple's Safari to ensure that Google's search engine is pre-set as the default on millions of smartphones, even those produced by competitors like Apple. DoJ is also taking issue with Google's Android operating system, which preloads Google's search application in a way that it can't be deleted, reported Zero Hedge.

    Ten state attorney generals are involved as well.

    The case is expected to be filed in federal court in Washington DC, forcing Google out of its California "comfort zone", added Zero Hedge.

    Correction - the article previously stated Google was helping Trump win re-election. The opposite is true and the article has been corrected. It was written by mistake.



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    Brian Callagan

    I had to read this article 3 times.....Google is (supposedly) "maninpulating search results to ensure the Trump wins". No way is that true.

    c holl

    The article is either attempting to deceive or mistakenly states that Google is helping Trump's re-election efforts. The opposite is true.

    Matthew Lee


    Ben Franklin


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